Let’s grab our crystal balls, Awesomes. What do we see for the year ahead? Meg and Kelly have done the research and they are here to tell you everything you need to know 2023! Is this the year that Artificial Intelligence takes over? Will the trip back to the 90s and early 2000s finally come to an end? Are the kids really wearing underwear as PANTS?! Tune in for everything you don’t want to miss for the future!
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Kelly's AotW: Puzzle board. Here is Kelly’s puzzle board…or try this similar one!
Meg’s AotW: LED Night Light, Touch Lamp with Wireless Charger, Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Yoga with Adriene 30 Days of Yoga January series
Sorta Yogis Facebook spin-off group
YouTube videos:
My 2023 Trend Precitions (That You’ll Actually Wear)
2023 Year Ahead: A Year of Thresholds and Shifts
Ep. 384: Awesome list for Spring 2022
Ep. 283: Awesome list for Spring 2021
Ep. 334: What I Wish I’d Bought Sooner!
Ep. 274: 10 (more) little luxuries to get you through the winter
You can find Meg on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Find Kelly on Twitter , Instagram and on her website!
Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!
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SA EP 424
Meg: It's January 13th, 2023, and oh my goodness, do I love our January conversations, and this one is going to be so fun because I'm joined today by my dear friend, my longtime co-host, everyone's favorite big sister, and one of my favorite January babies. In fact, you guys, today is her birthday. Happy birthday, and welcome back, Kelly Gordon.
Kelly: true. Today is my birthday. I'm fueled on that longtime co-host today, , yes, longtime co-host, but that's the great thing about getting older. Honestly, it is. I'm joking, but that you do have these things in your life, and I'm at a stage. . I just am really impatient with the things that I don't wanna do and I'm really embracing the things that I do wanna do no matter yes, how those look to the outside world.
Kelly: So awesome is always one of those things I do wanna do. Som glad to be here. I'm so happy.
Meg: I'm so glad you're [00:01:00] here. We have put together for you guys and like I said, I love our January conversations. I love that fresh start. I love that clean slate. Looking ahead to the new year, so Kelly and I went through, we dug through, we did the research we have found for you guys all of the trends that you're gonna wanna know about for 2023.
Meg: We are talking tech. We're talking your home. We're talking health and beauty. We're talking fashion. If it's gonna be trending in 2023, we're gonna be talking about it today. So you can be in the loop. You will not feel like you are missing any of the conversation anywhere in any part of your life. So Kelly and I have put that all together and I think this is gonna be so
Kelly: fun.
Kelly: I think it will be too. I hope, a few of these that I've gathered are a little bit prognosticating and I may have egg on my face at this time next year where Sure. Yeah. If you went back and listened to it in December of 2023, you'd be like, eh, that didn't really happen. But that's part of the fun.
Kelly: I think that's part of the fun's fun that we're like, here's what we think the new year has in store. Yes,
Meg: [00:02:00] exactly. That is all the fun. And I just, I can't wait to have this conversation. It's going to I really think that we just like dabbled in lots of different areas Yeah. That people are gonna wanna hear about.
Meg: So we're gonna get to all of that in just a bit. I'm Meg Teets and this is sorta awesome. Welcome back. Awesomes to the show that loves to support you in becoming smart, strong, and social. If you have been looking for amazing women to connect with here in the new year and a community that will support you, no matter what age or stage of life you're in, I am so thrilled to tell you that you have come to the right place.
Meg: Sorta awesome is not just a podcast. We are your community on the go. And if you're enjoying awesome the podcast, please do make sure you have subscribed so that you never miss a new episode from us. And while you're subscribing, it's the perfect time for you to leave us a five star rating and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Meg: These days, you can leave ratings on [00:03:00] Spotify, other podcast apps. I know Kelly, I've used Overcast for years. , do you still use Overcast for podcasts?
Kelly: Yes. Although, there I use Spotify as well. I feel like, yeah, over Overcast is where I keep my collection, if you will. Yes. If I wanna try to stay organized.
Kelly: Same.
Meg: Yes. Yes. Yeah. I've been use, I've been actually using Spotify. I was a slow adapter of Spotify per podcast because I just use it for music so much. But there are so many Spotify originals that I'm like, okay, I'll give it a try. But in Overcast you can star an episode if you think it's particularly good and that will move that episode up in the, I don't
Kelly: think I knew that.
Kelly: I haven't seen that feature or haven't been paying attention. That's really good. That's good intel.
Meg: Yes. So yeah, just give us a little love here at the beginning of the year. It'd be a perfect gift from you Awesomes to us as we start out the new year so we can find new awesomes and bring them into the fold, bring them into the community, and leaving us ratings and reviews.
Meg: Wherever you listen, is the perfect way to do that. So [00:04:00] Kelly, we have so many fun trends and predictions to get to for 2023, but first, let's go ahead and start this show the way we always do with our Awesomes of the week. If you're new to the week is the moment in this show where we stop and talk about whatever is making life a little more awesome for you right now, whether it is a book or a TV show.
Meg: A movie, a podcast, a product, something that's bringing that gold sparkle that we definitely all need here in the midst of January. Although Kelly, I'm sure with it being your birthday, you've got Sparkle spare . .
Kelly: And my daughter's birthday is this month too, actually. I know a lot of people who have
Meg: January birthdays.
Meg: January baby. Yes. Yeah, Rebecca has a January birthday. It's a big month for birthdays,
Kelly: so it's, and in some ways it's a hard month for birthdays, I feel like. Yes. Cause it's right after the holidays. And especially with my daughter's birthdays, even before mine, yes, right at the beginning of the month, you're like, oh, yay.
Kelly: More celebration, more presents. But at the same time, There's something, and maybe this is just because I grew up in the north and what [00:05:00] January is, January feels very crystalline to me. Oh, look at God most magical. There's just, like right now we are having a lot of freezing fog in the morning and we have tons of snow.
Kelly: It's very wintry looking and so when that fog freezes on everything and everything has got hore frost and it's white and then it starts to fall as the sun comes out. I don't know, it just feel, it does feel magical and really cold sometimes. Yes, but also I'm gonna go with magical .
Meg: I love that.
Meg: That is not our experience of January here. Yes. Although one thing that we do get in Oklahoma in January, sorry for this little. Guys, you guys Exactly. I have conversations, yes. But we get really great sunsets and sunrises, just like gorgeous skies, the pinks, the purples. It's just every morning, and I have two close friends.
Meg: Who live here in the city who will text me regularly, be like, go look outside right now. Yeah. Just to make sure I don't miss a good one. But I don't know what it is [00:06:00] atmospherically that happens in this part of the country in January, in December as well. But it like, it makes up for the windiness of it all when we have those gorgeous
Kelly: skies.
Kelly: And I think it's something probably with how low the sun is, like where the rays hit, the atmosphere that make the colors better. But yeah, I think that's really cool. There is some magic to this time of year, I feel like that is unique. So we'll embrace it. Definitely. We'll take that little birthday magic
Meg: for sure.
Meg: We will. We'll take all the magic we can get. But let's get back to Awesome. The week. Yes. What do you have for a, what are we doing week? ? Yes, .
Kelly: I actually have something that I'm laughing because I would say it was a Christmas gift, but it's also a Christmas gift that I bought myself. Oh yes. That still counts, right?
Kelly: Oh, absolutely it does. This is something that I've had my eye on for more than a year, and finally I was like, I'm just gonna order this, and I got it and I gave it to my, I said, here, give me this for Christmas. . Yep.
Kelly: And so what it is a wooden puzzle table. To do puzzles on jigsaw puzzles so that you [00:07:00] can easily move the puzzle and also this one, I, this is what I really liked about it has drawers to it as well. Nice small drawers off the side. Yes. So that you can pull drawers out and you can like store pieces. This is what I'm gonna say is that I have been eyeing this one for a while. It was about $55. Okay. I ended up ordering it from the actual manufacturer website.
Kelly: It was a little cheaper at Christmas than you can get on an Amazon, but you guys, when we got it, it was, so when my husband opened it it was poorly made. And this might be, I've looked in the reviews and it looks like it might've maybe even been, cuz when we got it, it was like that super cold spell all through the US like temperatures in our area were really glow freezing.
Kelly: So parts where they glued the wood, I think had come unglued. So it was very fixable and the company like gave me my money back or they gave me a store credit, but , it's, it was worth fixing. So like my husband's I can use some wood glue and some small [00:08:00] nails and we'll just put it back to, it wasn't like completely falling apart, there were parts of it that were coming un undone.
Kelly: So he fixed, got it up for me. So in that sense, he did do work on my Christmas gift and it is so great. So I didn't actually get to, he start using it until January because the way the holidays went. And so we've been doing a puzzle on it. Right now it is pretty big. It's about 27 by 35 inches, 27 by 35.
Kelly: So it is a big puzzle. The puzzle that we're doing right now, I really do not have the patience to do anything more than 500 pieces. A thousand piece puzzle is my absolute max. But it says that this is a puzzle table for 1500. So the big puzzles. Okay. Yeah. My favorite thing though is just that. I have a space for my puzzle.
Kelly: I have these drawers where I can put pieces away and I can move it off of my table. Cause I think that I've even said before, maybe on the podcast or for sure in the superstars group, cause we've talked about puzzle tables before that I love to do puzzles, but we don't have a spot in our house. We only have one table.[00:09:00]
Kelly: Yes. We have some coffee tables, but the pets can get to those. So we're like, we've gotta have a spot. So we would, my husband had cut some like plywood and we would try to do it on that, but we just didn't have one that was big enough, especially when you're just starting out and you have more pieces, but you've got an edge and it was difficult to do puzzles. Yeah. And I really started to love to do puzzles in the pandemic that winter of 20 20, 20 21 when we were all like, oh, we're all inside again still. So I have quite the collection and I'm so excited now that I can do it. And what we do is we just leave it on our table and when we're ready to eat, it's just easy to pick this big board up and put it away.
Kelly: Theoretically, you could also store it under a couch or under a bed. Okay. If you're just like, I can't work on this for a couple of days, or, I never would've thought of that. Or even if you're like I'm not doing a puzzle right now. I just, where do I put this big thing? You could definitely stash it there again, I feel like my pets.
Kelly: Our dogs especially are like, I love puzzle pieces, . It's
Meg: so fun to eat. That's what I was thinking exactly when you were talking about this, because we have a five month old [00:10:00] puppy Yes. Who does think that everything is edible. And so I'm like, how, where would she doesn't get on the table obviously, but like I was thinking, where would we put it when we're not working on it?
Meg: Where she couldn't get to it, but stashing it under the couch is a good idea.
Kelly: Yeah. That could maybe work. Or maybe you could put it if you were just gonna move it while you were eating sort of a thing. Yeah. You could put it in somebody's bedroom and lock the doors that she couldn't get to it. Our cat, when we would do it on the big table and not on this little table, because the puzzle board has edging on a couple of the sides, not all the sides, because they want it, that if you want to save the puzzle, you can easily slide it off.
Kelly: Oh, yes. So sweet. But you having some spaces our cat would even get up and play with the pieces and knock 'em off. Yes. Ooh, this is a fun little, and she would work it to the edge and knock it off and then the dog would come along and be like, Ooh, snack. , we have lost some puzzles.
Kelly: R i p puzzles. Because of that. . So having the real thing though, is just for me, not just keeping it safe in the pets is a easy way to keep the puzzle out, but still use my table for eating or for homework to move it Yes. Quickly and easily. Game changer. I'm so excited. And the thing I love [00:11:00] about keeping a puzzle out as much as possible in the winter is that it sucks people in as they walk by.
Kelly: Yes, definitely. Especially kids who are very prone to screens, so , they're like on their way to watch YouTube, but then they kind of go, oh, or right before bed, they sit down and they're doing the puzzle. So it's just having it out and available. Love. It seems to make Love it conversation.
Kelly: Yes. I love that too. Yes. I, so I'm, this is what I'm gonna do. I will link to a puzzle table. I'll link to the one that I got and we'll just put a note on it that like a lot of other people, the reviews mostly it's four and a half stars, right? Yeah. My experience is probably not everybody's experience.
Kelly: And it was very salv salvageable, but I also linked to another table that's a little bit more money, has a few more drawers so you guys can check 'em out and see what you want. So again, the price point for me was about $55, around $50, which is not cheap to try something. However, I feel like if you're saying, is that much money worth it?
Kelly: Yes, the answer is yes, it is worth it. [00:12:00] You will use it for a long time. It's gonna make your puzzling so much easier and accessible for everybody in your family. It's worth it.
Meg: I'm into it. I really am. We. You're way back. What? This seems what is time? It's all relative, right? We've lost our,
Kelly: we've
Meg: lost our grasp.
Meg: Yes. In October, 2020 when we had that ice storm and we had to decamp to my parents' house, we did puzzles like nonstop at their house and everybody loved it. But then we came back home and I like just, not only that, but I mean in 2020, Nika wasn't even two yet. And so I had a toddler. I just could not figure out the logistics of how do we keep a puzzle out?
Meg: Yeah. But what you are describing sounds like puzzle nirvana to me. Worth every penny. We have to have one,
Kelly: for sure. Fantastic. You should definitely check it out. And I know that we've talked about this in the sort of awesome hangout. Yeah. So if you have ever joined us over there, you could also search there.
Kelly: People have talked about it. I really think it's just one of those things that a lot of people are like, is it worth it? Is it really gonna make a difference? Yes, it does.
Meg: [00:13:00] Love it. Love to hear that. Okay. Yeah. I have a double, the first one I'm gonna talk about is just a sort of A mini awesome of the week.
Meg: Okay. And that is that I am doing for the first time ever, yoga with Adrian's 30 days yoga. Wait, first time ever. My first time ever to attempt 30 days of yoga. You know that. Okay. Yes. And I wanted to tell you specifically, I don't wanna spend too many words on it because I talked a lot about this with Rebecca on the most recent awesome overflow episode for our superstars, which we would love to have you join us.
Meg: Tons of bonus episodes, including that it's a little bit emotional, a little personal, my discussion of yoga with her. So I don't wanna use all my words again here. Sure. But I know you have been raving about Adrianne Misler and her y yoga with Atrian for literally.
Kelly: Yeah, she spent my awesome of the week probably more than once.
Kelly: I think
Meg: she's been your awesome the year, if I remember correctly. That's possible too. Yes, . I have told myself this story for so long that yoga is not for me. I get [00:14:00] too bored. Like I came up in the age of exercise where we were doing high impact aerobics. We were sweating with Richard Simmons sweat to the oldies
Meg: We were, I've done kickboxing. Like I just have always thought I need a lot of high intensity, high energy. Here I am, I'm 45, and as I was researching one of our midlife with Megan Mindy episodes, I kept coming across how important and how valuable and how healthy and good yoga is for women in perimenopause.
Meg: And so this felt like the year that I was like, you know what? I've never done it before. Why not do it for 30 consecutive days? .
Kelly: Although I will say last year was the first time I did all 30 days. in a relatively short time period. Like I probably was done the first week in February. Yeah. Most years.
Kelly: And this is probably, I don't know, my fifth year doing it. There are years I finished in June, the 30 days. , because I would like struggle through January and then I do a few in February and then it was like one a [00:15:00] month. Yeah. A thing. Any way you finish and even let, I'm gonna even back away from that.
Kelly: Any day you do yoga Yes. Is a benefit to you. Yes, absolutely. So Absolut think the 30 days is a great thing. It's a way to motivate yourself and she does build on it, like where she's we're starting this. And then you'll start to see the themes emerge as you will. And just trying to, as we all know, to establish a new habit.
Kelly: It. However many, 20 days, 21 days, something like that. To, so this is a good chance to try that, but any day that you do yoga Yeah. Is a good day. You're loving yourself.
Meg: Yep. It's been really good. I think of you often cuz I'm like, I should have listened to my favorite big sister Kelly A. Long time ago when it comes to yoga with Adrianne.
Meg: But I'm so glad. It's just like everything aligned for this to be the time for me to take up this challenge. And it has so far and we're like a week into it. It has been so meaningful to me. So that's like my mini off some of the week. I love that. Yes. My,
Kelly: okay. And can I just say one other thing real quick for people who are [00:16:00] listening, it's not too late to join in.
Kelly: If you still wanna do that, we can put a link in the show notes if you wanna join in. Yes. We also we talk about some of the sort of awesome hangout, but we also even have a group called Sort of Yogis. Yes. That tends to resurrect every January because we're talking about, the different days and wow, this is hard or this was awesome.
Kelly: So you can join us there. You can find your community.
Meg: Absolutely. Yes. We'll put links and show notes for all of that stuff. Yeah. My real awesome of the week too is I have a product I have been TikTok influenced, not for the first time, and surely not the last time. . I do not know how, when, where I found this, but I do feel like I did find it on TikTok and I brought a visual for you, Kelly.
Meg: I love that. And everybody who sees us on video. Okay, so this is an l e d nightlight. So look I'm touching it. It's a touch. L e d. Yes. Can you see it changing? Oh yeah, I can see it. Yeah. And you said it on your nightstand. And it, it does a couple of things for you. So again, it's got the, it's got the lamp [00:17:00] part.
Meg: We have of course, living in an old house. We. Such a limited number of outlets in every room. That, and the ones that we do have, especially in our bedroom, which is also my office, the outlets are like maxed out. And so I'm always looking for something that's going to safe space and those types of things.
Meg: This is combining a couple of things for me so that I can free up some outlet space. So it's the, it's a nightlight for your bedside. It's also a Bluetooth speaker who it is, it has a little phone holder on it, and also it is a wireless charging base. Oh, wow. So this little thing covers all of those bases for you.
Meg: And do you have to plug it in? You do plug it in. Okay. With the USB cord, which this is the port. I have to unplug it to show you. So you do plug it in so that you can do the wireless charging. Now obviously if you don't need it as a wireless charger and you just think it looks cute and you need a little nightstand lamp, then you wouldn't have to
Kelly: even plug it.
Kelly: You could charge [00:18:00] it and then move it to where you want it to
Meg: be. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm trying to say. You can move this up and down if you want. If you don't want it up as you're charging, move the l e d part around and then this little part acts as a phone stand. I haven't used. Function yet, but it's there and it's just been super great to have a little extra light because especially in the winter months I am one of those people.
Meg: I'm sure you've seen that TikTok, that the lady talks about how they never ever use the big light in her house. That's her house rule. I didn't see
Kelly: that. I dunno if you see that. No. Ok.
Meg: TikTok knows me well, and then
Kelly: TikTok goes like, why she like
Meg: that because the big light is just like on a sensory level.
Meg: It's just so garish. And
Kelly: And what does she mean by big light? Like overhead lights.
Meg: The overhead lights. Okay. Yes. And so I've seen that audio be used where people are showing like all of their like little fairy lights, their candles, their l e d, that's just like a, allows you to have soft lighting throughout the house without having to turn on the big light.
Meg: Yes. And that is something that drives me crazy though [00:19:00] about our room is we mostly ha rely on the big light, which I hate. Just again, sensory it. Just like after a while, the having the big light. Light makes me angry .
Kelly: That is bothers me. That is so funny. I am just a light, I am pro all light. Okay. So I will walk, even in the summer, I will walk through my house and turn on every light bulb that is available to you.
Kelly: Yay. Oh my gosh, that's maybe not the summer, not when it's like streaming in the windows. Yeah. But. Yes. Like overhead lights, side lights. All the lights. Yeah. I want all of them on. I want to be in the Thomas Kincaid photo. I want people to try by house and be like, look at the light shooting forth from every edifice of that house.
Kelly: That's the kind of light that I want. That house is a blaze. Wow, what's going on in there? And that's why for one, at one point, I think we talked about this one time that we got the when the new l e d bulbs came out and you didn't know to look at what color the light was. Oh, yes. We got [00:20:00] the bright white and not the warm and Right.
Kelly: Woo. My goodness. Even. I was like okay. Listen,
Meg: I have to tell you, if you drove by our house right now, , we have Okay. Again, old house, our front porch light. Is an absolute monster to change the light bulb. I hate it so much. We've lived in this house for almost 10 years. I've only had to change it a few times.
Meg: I will say that, but it makes me like literally cry. It's so hard to change it. So I just like a month or two ago, I had to change it. There's two light bulbs in the fixture. They both had gone out. Dang it. I grabbed some L e D bulbs. I did not realize at the time they're the bright lights. Both of them
Meg: It's but I didn't know it until I had, and I changed it during the day. So when we turn it on that evening, , it's I can't even explain to you right.
Kelly: I can understand because we've done the kind of the same thing. Corey ended up getting some light bulbs and again, like he ordered like a pack of 20 on Amazon.
Kelly: Like those type, our outside [00:21:00] lights are the ones that have to have the candle labra. Okay. You know those old, so it's an older style. So he ordered a bunch of L e D one s and did not realize, so I came home one time and we have several like places on the outside of our house and we, everything inside the house is warm light.
Kelly: And our overhead, like on the porch is warm light. And then everything else is this garish? Yes. White light. And I'm like, I'm sorry, no . And he is but there's they were, and I'm like, no , that is, Awful. Yeah, it is awful. And if it's in the big fixture for you, it must look like you're like, criminals will not get through here.
Meg: Kyle was like, finally we have some actual front porch security because it's like a spotlight shining down. No one is coming to the, like a prison light. I'm sure Murder. I'm sure that yes, the Postmates delivery people that come by in the evenings are like, my gosh. Okay.
Kelly: I guess they live in fear
Meg: Exactly. Between our spotlight shining down, and [00:22:00] then our hyperreactive anxious Boston Terriers who bark at every sound. I'm. No one's committed. You're covered. Yes. Yes. You're covered. One's committed. Oh my goodness. Wait, what was your awesome of the week? . So my awesome of the week is the opposite of garish.
Meg: It is, that's right. So kind. It's so gentle. It's so warm. And just it, you don't need this. Okay. Nobody like needs this, but if you wanna unless you don't have a light already. Okay. Yes, then. Yeah. But just if you wanna add a little. Something aesthetic to your evenings or mornings. My word of the year is elevate.
Meg: So I'm just like looking for little ways to elevate my daily experience in this little tableside. L e d nightlight thingy wireless charger. Is really fitting the bill. It's from Amazon. It is like around $50. There's a, there's one of those coupons you can click where you apply. Like right now it's, you can get 15% off of it.
Meg: Okay. So we'll put a link in the show notes if you wanna go check it out. If this would also be a great gift. We're always thinking about gifts for [00:23:00] people who have everything. This would be a great gift. Or if you're, you've got a kid like I do going off to college next year, be a fun graduation gift to send with somebody.
Meg: There's lots of ways you could use it. Yeah. All right. We had a lot to say just in us of the week. We haven't even gotten to the trends yet.
Kelly: You guys. You guys, hang on, .
Meg: All right. If you would like to tell us about what's awesome in your life, please come and find us on one of our social media communities.
Meg: We would love to have you on Facebook and our sort of awesome hangout or over on Instagram at awesome show we're always talking about and sharing what is awesome in your lives, in our communities. Kelly and I do have so much in the way of trends to share with you. We're gonna get to all of that when we come right back.
Meg: Okay, Awesomes. So we are back, and this week we're talking all about the trends that you need to know about for 2023 things that are gonna be trending, some prognostication, as Kelly said, some predictions, some things to keep an eye out for, and not all of these are gonna apply to our lives.
Meg: I'm gonna be talking about some fashion that is definitely. [00:24:00] Maybe not for the 45 year old crowd. However, you can wear what you want whenever you want. You have full permission to do that. But some of the things I came across are definitely what you're gonna maybe see younger people wearing. Maybe you have teenagers like we do, who are going to be asking for certain things.
Meg: We just wanna keep you in the loop so that you're not caught off guard, and also so you know what you can be looking forward to in the year ahead. Kelly, why don't you go ahead and get us started on these.
Kelly: Okay. So when we were talking about trends, when this idea first came up, the very first thing that came to the top of my consciousness was how artificial intelligence or AI is going to start really.
Kelly: like exploding into the public eye this year. Yes. And I had listened to some things at the end of the year of 2022, where they were, talking about this. And so that's the reason it was top of mind for me, and here's the thing, you guys, if you're not aware of AI and all the different like potential uses that it has, this is the year I think that it is going [00:25:00] to really start to come into our lives.
Kelly: Kinda like the internet, kinda like the iPhone, like not everybody, not everywhere, but it's slowly gonna start taking over. And this is what I heard that really made me go okay. Is that AI has now the p like potential to write eight entire research paper in seconds and it will be different every time.
Kelly: Yeah. So in that sense, they were saying like, the ability to write things, to produce content like that, looking all around the internet, citing it, sources doing this thing. And even like people have said that when you look at it, you expect there's probably gonna be bad grammar or there's gonna be things I'm gonna be able to tell.
Kelly: And they're like, no, it really wasn't like, yes, there's almost more bad grammar. And the research papers that come in, like in that sense, they were, what they were talking about of course, is for like college professors who are already on major plagiarism watch and there's all these websites that they can scan papers through to see if there was anything that was plagiarized.
Kelly: That's not gonna work [00:26:00] anymore because AI can do the work and it's different every time. So it's not plagiarizing it, it is creating something new. Yes. It's just not your students work or your work. I
Meg: have thought about this so much because you and I have thought about it in terms of the application to academia for sure, especially for undergraduate work.
Meg: I've thought about it in terms of, you and I both have so many friends who are authors who are writers who make their living with words and how this changes the shape of Yeah. Of our experience of the language going forward. Yeah. I've thought about this a lot. I can't believe people aren't freaking out about this
Meg: I know. You know what I mean? Not in a bad way, not in a scared way, but just This is huge. This is a huge shift forward. I guess hopefully it will be forward .
Kelly: Any shift requires us to rebalance. Yeah. It always, I always say when people growing up, they would be like, oh, in the fifties or in Laura Engels time, they didn't have these problems.
Kelly: . And I'm like well, [00:27:00] yeah, every time we advance as a society and we're advancing quicker and quicker now, right? , it brings with it great new good and great new evil. Yeah. That's just what happens. So I feel like the same is true here. Like you said, I'm not inclined to freak out in fear.
Kelly: However it is. The more you think about the potential and how this completely changes things like Yes. So my immediate thought was in my field of journalism, a computer could write all of our stories. Not necessarily the ones that originally reported, but if I'm, like, lots of times what I do is I produce radio and then I have to write a web post to go with it so we can put it online.
Kelly: Yes. So AI could listen to my radio show, do a better job than I have the time to do writing about it. And we could put that online. . Whoa, .
Meg: Yes. I can see so many incredible time saving applications for it. It is just, it's gonna be, I think one of those things where we navigate where is the iness the artificialness of it, and where is the [00:28:00] humanity?
Meg: And how do we, how does, how do those things intersect? And then how also do we , I don't know, continue to honor the human part of things that we already experienced. You know what I mean?
Kelly: Yeah. And also, what do we need to learn? And I feel like this goes along, and this isn't even on my list, but like with education, getting an overhaul, I feel like post pandemic, and this is not gonna be a 2023 thing, I think it's gonna be a decades long thing.
Kelly: Oh yeah, definitely. Really evaluating what we're teaching, how we're teaching, how we can serve all students better. And there has already been, of course, tremendous work on that. But people have said AI is for the written word, what the calculator is for math. Yes. . Types of math that we teach.
Kelly: , of course, these days as you get into junior high and high school is so much higher than it was when I was a kid because there's just technology that's, they're integrating. So how are they gonna start integrating ai. Into the classrooms to help students. , and this actually brings [00:29:00] me, my first thing was like AI slash metaverse, which is something I was reading about a lot. I don't Exactly. Can you explain it, Meg? I know you were reading about it too.
Meg: I was, and some of the, I was looking into some tech terans and I do think that the experience of the Metaverse, like it's, they're like the companies that are really invested in, that are continuing to push forward into it.
Meg: To the point where some of the things that have recently come out, products that are being developed are like ways that you can even experience. So going into the Metaverse, it's a virtual reality experience and it that can be applied in so many different ways. And now brands and companies are coming along and creating products to where you can enhance the smells of the would match a certain virtual experience that would elicit. , like the same kind of physical response that you might have. I do think that the realm of like gaming is probably where this has been. [00:30:00] Field tested the most. Yeah. For lack of a better way to say it. But I think that gamers who are who have already experienced a, a virtual reality experience, that's where we see it the most.
Meg: But I do think that starting next year we're going to see more and more experiences to where, I think that was it, Walmart, I think it was Walmart had dabbled in creating a meta shopping experience where , it was like you were in the store, you were experiencing looking at the shelves and picking products and Okay.
Meg: And those types of things. I do think this has so many potential applications for people that have some kind of limitation, physical limitation some kind, like a maybe neurodiversity that. They don't, how can I say this? Maybe somebody who struggles with severe anxiety might be able to experience things in a virtual way that they wouldn't be able to experience in a flesh and blood way, in an analog way.
Meg: There's so many applications coming I think, that go well beyond the realm of just gaming [00:31:00] and having fun with it. And tech companies are keeping up with it and they're investing in it. I don't think, I think you can just be like, I'm not interested in that. And that's something that's totally still an option for you.
Meg: But I do think, as you were saying, as the internet came along and eventually over decades, Pretty much everyone has adapted to it. And I'm curious to see how that plays out with the Metaverse
Kelly: man. I think that we are gonna adapt and in ways that we don't even, that we can't predict.
Kelly: Yeah. It really feels I remember you talking about Ready Player one years ago . Yes. And then I read it and maybe many Awesomes have, and in that book, this character, and it's not even that far in the future. I don't remember what year it was set. Yeah. But in, in this century for sure. Yes.
Kelly: It's a futuristic book, but this because of climate change and the planet being much more inhospitable to get around. Yes. And energy crises and things like that. Students go to high school virtually. Yes. Like they go, they do all of their learning and their friendships and everything [00:32:00] they put on a headset and plug in.
Kelly: And their avatar is them. Yes. So it's, it was a really interesting idea and a great book if you haven't read it, but it also feels like it's coming true. Yeah. Because like you're saying, like if you can go into a store and try things on, or you can go, even now you can go play soccer with your friends Yes.
Kelly: In a virtual reality. It is crazy. My son plays, I didn't even put eSports on the list, but Right. The growth of eSports Yes. In schools colleges of course, but even high schools having eSports teams and many of those, not all, but many of them are virtual reality. And it's, it's a fascinating sort of thing.
Meg: Yeah. It really is. It really is. The only thing I was gonna tack onto the tech category is they had that big. Convention in Las Vegas that they have, that's huge. Usually. What is it called?
Kelly: Oh, I can't mething it up real quick.
Meg: Okay. You look it up. You're a great producer, . You go find that.
Meg: Yep. But I watched a couple of Wall Street Journal videos and some [00:33:00] other tech commentators talking about things that were coming out of that big ces. Yes. Ces. Yes. I knew e was in there somewhere. , out of that sort of convention, that consumer technology. Yeah. Yes, exactly. And they were talking about how the fact that, a lot of brands are pulling back.
Meg: We don't see startups coming in quite as much with innovation in the tech realm because of the economy and that in the. That we have right now with this downturn that we're experiencing, that there's not really a lot of motivation for pushing into like newer fields. However, there are some fields where people are still, you're still gonna see new products coming out.
Meg: One of those being related to childcare, and I can't remember the particular products they talked about with that. But the other being on the opposite end of things, the aging generation, the boomers as they age, creating new tech for them to make life easier, especially, and for their caregivers to be able to have more peace of mind.
Meg: One thing, one example of that being defi defibrillators, [00:34:00] defibrillators. That's really hard to say. There really is Yes. That you keep at home. And you might see those, we've seen those out in public, like at stadiums or like in malls or whatever. But now that technology is being adapted to where you can have one that is just at home.
Meg: So those areas that. Are just like, just, those are the, just like the core parts of life. Taking care of each other that we're still seeing new tech come out there. So I thought that was interesting.
Kelly: Yeah. In fact, have we ever talked about this? One of the things, and this is not even, this is not virtual reality.
Kelly: It's just cool technology in the nursing care home where my mom was, and they had this in the memory care unit that she used to be in as well. They have cats that are a motorized, super high tech, very yes, cat, that it can, I don't think it, I don't know that it can walk, but it can like, sit up and lay down.
Kelly: It purs, it turns its head, it can move its ears, its eyes, and yes, it will it's eerie. You definitely aren't gonna mistake it for a [00:35:00] real cat, right? It's not that. Although we're probably just on our way, but it doesn't require any upkeep. It doesn't need food, and for all of the patients there just to have it in their lap and to pet it.
Kelly: And if you're petting it, it will pur. It is so soothing Yeah. For people who are older and especially if they're lonely. Yes. know, To have this. So it is amazing the ways that tech is, it can, of course, yes. There's all sorts of problematic things I'm sure. But that can enrich our lives. It's fun.
Kelly: It will be fun to see Yes. How this is gonna change. So I just, we wanna say this, the awesomes is that you heard it here first. When you hear people talking about AI this year and the Metaverse, you can be like, I heard that on Awesome. Exactly what, we don't even know what completely we're talking about, but we're saying it's.
Meg: Absolutely. Yes. Yes. Okay. Kelly, I'm gonna shift our gears a little bit. Yeah. And talk about something that I do think impacts us, especially in our awesome community. And that's fashion trends.
Kelly: Okay. I didn't even look these up, so I'm really excited to hear what you have to say. [00:36:00]
Meg: Okay. Again, like I said, I'm 45.
Meg: I am, I'm always like settling into my own thing that feels comfortable, feels good for my body. However, one way that fashion trends affect all of us is, when you go out to buy new clothes, these are the going to be the things that you see in stores. So whether or not you feel like you want to be a person who dresses on trend, or if you're more comfortable with your own style, just know that you're going to be seeing these in stores.
Meg: And that's why I wanted to give you the heads up. First of all, we are done with the phase of the miniskirts, which , it's not really, that's not really my thing, but they were everywhere for a hot minute. Yes. Now we're moving back towards maxi skirts. Couple of different variations on it. One being the denim maxi skirt.
Meg: I'm sorry. Yes. What? , it's what you're thinking. It is What you're thinking. It's a modern, updated view on the denim maxi skirt. Yes. Like the, [00:37:00] from the nineties homeschooler. That was like from
Kelly: the homeschool era. , yes. Okay. Okay. Yep. Tell me more.
Meg: I don't know that I will wear this, although I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued.
Meg: But it's a really trendy thing that's happening right now. If you have a denim maxi skirt, ,
Kelly: if you still have one in the back of your closet, yes. And if you do, please come to this sort of awesome hangout and share it with us. Please
Meg: post a picture. We need to see those from the back of your closet.
Meg: Maybe it was even your mom's from the nineties and you inherited it. Who knows? But those are really big. Those started trending last fall going into 2023. Those are really big. However, on the other end of the maxi spectrum, a slim. Silhouette. Maxi Skirt Sure is very on trend right now. So instead of having all that material that, especially in denim, oh my gosh, that feels like those would be so heavy.
Meg: I know.
Kelly: But of course they have made updates in denims since the nineties as well as far as it being [00:38:00] lighter, stretchy. Yeah. Things like that. Hopefully it wouldn't just be like you're wearing Yes. A big sheet of dinner device around
Meg: you. Yes, exactly. So a slim silhouette. Maxi is really big right now.
Meg: Cargo pants. I know you and I talked about this last year. Cargo pants are continuing to be on trend. , they are still everywhere. However, the sort of update for 2023 is they're getting bigger and bigger pockets. In fact, big pockets. Yeah. Big pockets. Oversized pockets are big on everything right now.
Meg: They're big on bags. In fact, big bags are trending. Utility style, really big bags. So last year it was more of a, the baguette style that's just like tucks under your shoulder. It's like we're going the totally different opposite direction this year with big bags, but pockets and just like a really utilitarian vibe.
Meg: Is going to be everywhere in stores in 2023. I love a cargo pant. I don't know that they need bigger pockets.
Kelly: That's what, [00:39:00] are they fewer pockets then?
Meg: No, I think it's still they're like placed in the same way, but they're just bigger. Just bigger. AJ just ordered some from h and m, so we'll see how they play out in real life when, in real application.
Meg: But I thought that was really interesting. A couple of things that are trending right now you're going to see again. Not for maybe my age group. Tiny shorts are in, I feel like
Kelly: those were in last year as well with the miniskirts. Like very short things. Yeah.
Meg: Low-rise jeans are everywhere.
Meg: No, I don't know if anyone's excited about that coming back.
Kelly: Probably people who didn't live through it the first time. Yeah. The rest of us were like, no, rebuke, we rebuke it. back to the pit of hell.
Meg: Yes, exactly. Why didn't these have to come back? We do not know. Okay. Shorts with nehi boots are on trend even in the winter.
Meg: So the girlies are getting the fleece line tights in a . Skin [00:40:00] color and wearing those. Now those don't have to be the short shorts. Girls are wearing these with Bermuda style shorts. Yeah. And other pets and silhouettes, but pairing them with boots for a winter look. Something else that's on trend is pushing back against a longtime fashion rule that you don't mix black with navy or black with brown.
Meg: . Now you're gonna be seeing combos of black and navy and black and brown everywhere, whether it's in tops or people pairing accessories. Maybe a A black boot with a brown belt. Like you're just gonna see more of those combinations. The thing about fashion is, and you know this as somebody who's on TikTok and also has teenagers, is TikTok has changed fashion trending in so many ways because now instead of just one big trend or a couple of big trends per season, there's all these micro trends.
Meg: Yep. So you'll be really popular amongst a certain group of people and it's popular for a hot minute and then they move on from that. So yeah, that's true. Also trending in the [00:41:00] new year, Bengals, Bengal bracelets just, Ooh, okay. That's just stack them up on your arm. I thought those were really fun.
Meg: Both you could do them in a gold finish or even like the resin plasticy ones that we might have had in the eighties. Okay. And just like stacking your lots of colors. . Yeah. Lots of colors, lots of ways to play around with Bengals. One thing that I am concerned about, but also I'm just like, oh, kids.
Meg: Underwear is pants what? Printing for 2023. Like boxer shorts. But you wear them as like your shorts.
Kelly: Okay. I Boxer shorts are shorts. I can see that. As long as you're not going to thongs as pants,
Meg: right? No, this is and I guess if you were particularly dairy, you could do like a tidy whitey.
Meg: I don't know. I don't know if any was actually doing that. All of the pictures and all of the tos that I saw are more of think nineties boxers, like the nineties, the trend back to the nineties and the early odds Yeah. Is not going away. This generation is very into it. And so think about the mid [00:42:00] nineties where you'd have graphic, big graphic design, big patterns, like really colorful, big prints on boxers.
Meg: So they're bringing those back and just wearing 'em as, as their shorts okay. Yep.
Kelly: That sounds cold, . That's what the old people say. Those
Meg: aren't pants that sounds cold. What you doing?
Kelly: Exactly. Exactly. But hey, at least we know when we see it. When we walk by h and m and it's in the window and we're like, oh yeah.
Kelly: Yep. I knew it. I knew about that. I also saw that there were some somebody said that one of the big themes, and this is what I could get behind for fashion for 2023, was just soft. Yes.
Meg: That's huge for 2023. Soft everything, which I
Kelly: think soft. Yeah. I'm like I'm pro soft. Yes. Especially in the winter, obviously, but just, yeah.
Kelly: I am a texture person. I'm one of those people who like walks to the store and I'm touching everything like, oh. And so my daughter and I, when we shop, I'm like, just feel how soft this is. Yes. What did they make this out of? It's like [00:43:00] the downy wings of baby angels.
Meg: Definitely. I love it. I bring that.
Meg: It's amazing. All to me. Amazing. You know what, speaking of that, you did look into some home trends. You wanna go ahead and talk home friends? Yeah.
Kelly: I've only really got one. Okay. But that's okay. I think this is one that I just thought was interesting because, I don't know, I don't know how it's gonna strike everybody.
Kelly: This is, and I've seen this multiple places, so I feel very confident about. Gray is out. No what? And like caramel Okay. Is back in, they're gonna call it caramel instead of beige. Okay. But like brown, a light brown is back in. . Okay. So I have seen some pretty funny tos where people are like, just got the house redone, and gray and white.
Kelly: And now they're like, Nope, it needs to be warm. It needs to have, my gosh, caramel tones. So they're like all the designers, the new model homes that you go see. Everybody's gonna be wanting you to do warm colors on your wall. A light brown, a caramel color. A beige
Meg: sand. Okay. I don't hate it. I do. [00:44:00] I like that.
Meg: I just, gray is my favorite color. Just like the counting crows taught me when
Kelly: nature . And the reason I say it just depends probably on how much money you spent to make your house gray. Yeah. Or how much you like gray. Our house happened to have mostly warm tones when we moved in 10 years ago. And I have really considered changing it because I really just dislike white.
Kelly: Like I could be one of those people Yeah. That goes with bright white trim with a white wall and just less of color everywhere. Very skinny. Skinny and inspired . And that's not, but what I've come to decide is that the caramel tone, the san tone that is everywhere in our.
Kelly: And it's got white trim, which I love is our house. Like it is a warm house. Like it, it fits the tone and the style of all the other parts of the house, right? That work together with it. So I've just relaxed into it and now, it's, we ha we'd never changed it and home trends have circled back around.
Kelly: Hey. But if you still like gray or you just did it, I think that's the thing about these trends, right? Yes. This is just like [00:45:00] what they're saying and maybe it's important if you're gonna sell your house. I don't know. I don't even think that it's a huge big deal because everybody's a little different.
Kelly: So if you really like gray and or if gray seems to look best with your style of house, yeah, then that's fine. But I just think it's interesting that we have now come full circle back into warmer tones for the inside and so you will be seeing a lot more of those. Like I said, caramel. Yeah. Sand tan tones for walls.
Kelly: In this Love it year in
Meg: 2023. Okay. I'm into it. I can definitely get into that for sure. While we're still talking trends that have to do with like color and accessorizing. , let me tell you some stuff that will be trending for hair and makeup. Okay. Again, I can't emphasize this strongly enough.
Meg: The nineties into the early odds, still very on trend. So we're going to start to see probably, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna link to some YouTubers that I watched cuz this is not my realm of knowing what's [00:46:00] on trend for sure. Thankfully, there are some fantastic YouTubers who very much have their their.
Meg: Finger on the pulse. , is that how that goes? Yeah. . I always have to second guess myself on that one of what is coming. And so one particular YouTuber I was watching thinks that we're gonna see side bangs come back in as people are like really continuing this nineties and early odds, aesthetic that they're gonna do the side bang.
Meg: And along with that, that, as having bangs, sometimes you get tired of it. And in the, I think this was more of an early odds thing, pulling your hair back and doing the poof. So like pulling your bangs up. , I'm doing it on camera to show you. And then you pull it, push it forward a little bit.
Meg: Yeah. Push it forward. Maybe pin it in place. So you've got the little poof, one of the, oh, who is it? Oh, I can't remember who it is. Addison Ray was on, did a TikTok and she had put her hair, pulled back the bangs and done the poof. And so everyone's like, oh, that's probably gonna start [00:47:00] trending now.
Meg: So you might see your teenage daughters in the mirror trying to figure out how, mom, show me how to do a poof . Yeah.
Kelly: Luckily if you live through that, you probably remember. Yes,
Meg: exactly. Not a hard thing. Another thing that this use trooper thinks is gonna start trending again is that we're gonna move away from the super stick straight blowout look and go back towards a nineties perm look.
Meg: Interesting. So think more in terms of Carrie Bradshaw character on sex and the city. Yeah. Just like that. Wild, it's not meant to be a super tight, like poodle perm like we did in the eighties. , it's meant to be more relaxed, but it's, it's bringing color not color, maybe color, but bringing curl and wave back to our hair.
Meg: Especially if you have that naturally to just embrace. And that's been yeah, on trend for a while. Stuff. . Yeah, exactly. Let's see. So look for more tech and beauty. For example, there is a brand now at Walmart, I haven't checked this out, but it's called Hair Lab, where you go in and certain Walmarts and they have a hair lab machine.
Meg: You sit down and the machine assesses your scalp [00:48:00] and your hair texture and basically gives you a readout of what kind of products you need based on. That's interesting. Based on like how oily or not oily your scalp is based on how hard your water is based on the texture of your hair. So see, you're gonna see more tech coming in to like kind, that's the theme for 2023, it sounds even in our hair care products. More tech. Yeah. One of the big in skincare, one of the. Big ingredients that you're gonna be hearing a lot about if you haven't already is azac acid. Okay. It is a an ingredient that decreases pigmentation. It can really help with acne breakouts and also if you have post acne scarring.
Meg: So correcting hyperpigmentation on the skin. Any dark patches that you have, you're going to see more and more products from brands with the aalac acid. Drunk Elephant has one that just came out. Peach and Lily. I'll try to find some more examples and put in the show notes. Two more things.
Meg: More brands [00:49:00] are going to be coming out with fragrances. I love fragrances and I am so happy about this trend. Fragrances are having a moment and so you're seeing more and more brands coming out with fragrances like Fenty came out with when recently. So even two-faced, which has traditionally been cosmetics only now has a fragrance.
Meg: So you're gonna be seeing more mass-produced fragrances. You're gonna be seeing more emphasis on the niche brands as well coming out. Fragrances are gonna be everywhere in 2023. Last one more. More Ds, which we love a dup around here. Yes, we do. More dupes for as, as high-end products go viral on TikTok.
Meg: The brands like Elf and Nicks that are more affordable brands Melan, they are all scrambling to create, produce and get in your hands a DUP so that you can have a product that gives you that same impact that you would get from a higher end brand that you saw on TikTok. But it's a DUP for you. So that is very cool.
Meg: Yeah. Yeah. [00:50:00] Okay. What's another
Kelly: one you've got? Hang on a second. I lost my there. It's.
Kelly: Okay. So one thing that I wanted to talk about, and this is one, I feel like I don't know how this is gonna stick, if this is gonna be one of the things that we're gonna look back on someday and say, oh yeah, 2023. That thing Okay. But you are gonna start hearing about it this year. Okay. Is my prediction and it's called cycle sinking.
Meg: Oh, okay. Tell me more. I heard this. I, it's come across my radar.
Kelly: Tell me everything. So feel like the first time I heard it, I wasn't sure what people were saying. So it's about your menstrual cycle. Yeah. And sinking it. through the different phases of your menstrual cycle to how you exercise Yes.
Kelly: What you eat and what you do. Yeah. To help your body do well as it's shifting through its different hormone needs. So that you'll have just an easier to manage life is the idea of it. Yes. Yeah. So the reason I think you're gonna hear about it is it's just getting a lot of [00:51:00] buzz. . And it's also, it affects so many areas.
Kelly: You could hear it in, if you follow food bloggers, they might start talking about it because what you eat at different times in your cycle, they might give you different recipes For sure. How you exercise, like there might be Yeah. Certain times it's really better to do gentle things like yoga and other times when it's better to do things that are more intense.
Kelly: Yes. And this is all customized to your cycle. So depending on where you are in your cycle, this is what you should do. It's very interesting. I do, I can see how. It can have lots of scientific, research behind it for sure. Women's bodies change Yeah. Through the course of their cycle, and that is not something that we think about enough, right?
Kelly: Yes. Or that we acknowledge enough that we say, Hey, I'm different on day one than I am on day 15. There's all these changes happening and we just we're like, oh, yeah, there's that week I get my period. Like we've really simplified it down. Yes. So if nothing else, getting more in touch with our cycles and how we change and what we can do to honor our [00:52:00] bodies as it changes is I think a really good thing. But just look for cycle sinking. Okay. And different areas. Yeah. And as we go through 2023 and one thing that I was like, I don't know how this is gonna affect those of us in perimenopause because I don't know where our cycles , are, yes. They're not really cycles, they're like crazy figure eights or something.
Kelly: I know. Yes. So I don't know if we get to participate in the cycle seeking trend because I don't know that we ever know exactly where we are in our cycle, however, , there's probably wisdom there. Yes. If nothing else. Listening to your body. Yes. And saying what is a good thing? Absolutely. That I could do for me right now.
Kelly: , because I am different today than I was four days ago. Exactly. Because of how my body adjusts. So cycle syncing. Look for that.
Meg: I definitely have seen a few creators on TikTok that come across my F Y P talking about that. Mostly in the ones I've seen have mostly been in the realm of food. What you eat when in your cycle.
Meg: , I'm very interested in it for myself, for productivity. , I've noticed, from starter [00:53:00] cycle to ovulation, like I have all the ideas and all the energy and I have noticed post ovulation in the closer I get to starting a new cycle. I sometimes feel like I'm like, I can't even find my words.
Meg: , let alone find energy to, and so I'm really interested in applying that in a, not really a productivity way, but just an energy management way. Yes. In terms of being more mindful about what kind of expectations I have based on where I am in my. .
Kelly: Yes. And I have seen that applied to it as well.
Kelly: Yeah. Like productivity saying, when should you, just like we talk about during the day. Yeah. Are you a type of person that's gonna have the most energy and focus in the morning or in the afternoon? Being able to honor your own Yes. Way through the day. So this is the same idea. Yeah. Just looking at it through a menstrual cycle lens.
Kelly: And I'm gonna mention one other thing here that I thought was really, I love this actually, and it circles back to what you were saying with your awesome of the week being yoga with Adrian's, 30 day journey here through January, which is that I really think, and this is something that I've just put together.
Kelly: So I'm the trend maker here. . You are the [00:54:00] trendsetter. Yes. I guess it is that sustainable movement. Okay. Is like the next wave of pos body positivity.
Meg: Okay.
Kelly: Awesome. And what I mean by that is I just see such a trend in movement. Yes. In moving your body. Yes. Not calling it exercise, not calling it working out.
Kelly: Because we have a lot of stigma around those words. Good and bad. Yes. In our culture. . And so I think there's a lot of us women in particular who are like, I don't wanna exercise mm-hmm. .. But when we start to say, how can you move your body today? Yes. Yes. takes away some of that pressure.
Kelly: It takes away some of the stigma. And so just embracing that, it doesn't need to be, like what you were saying, it doesn't have to be like something that you're even getting better at, that you're like, oh I, if I'm running, I should be running faster. should be running further. Just moving your body today.
Kelly: How can you move your body today? And what do you need to do to honor where you are? Is today a really gentle yoga practice? Is today a walk outside? Is today a ride on your exercise bike? Or you're gonna go to the local Y or the health club? There's [00:55:00] all these different ways, but just noticing and honoring yourself, your body.
Kelly: Yes. In a true self-care way. We've said this a lot, like moving your body is self-care. It is. It really is. So I just, I love that I'm seeing the body positivity movement, which really is about this is my body and . It's not about the size. It is, it's not about numbers on a scale. Yes.
Kelly: And we're taking it into beyond just like how we look, maybe what we eat, but also like how we move. Yes. Yes. And
Meg: just anybody can move. Anybody. Move what you can. As often as it feels good. In one of our midlife with minty and Meg episodes , we minty even talked about the, just like literally a kitchen dance party.
Meg: Yep. Say we're gonna dance it out for three songs, just make it fun and Exactly. That movement. I love that you're saying that sustainable movement as opposed. Exercise feels like something you commit to for a short amount of time, for a specific goal, usually around weight loss, and it's not fun.
Meg: Yeah. But you just like power through it. [00:56:00] But no. Looking at sustainable movement as a part of your lifestyle. Yes, exactly. And loving that. We have a few more trends we've got to, that we wanna get to. We've got to take one more break, but when we come back, we have a few more. And there is one that I cannot wait to tell you guys about.
Meg: I'm so excited about it. So we're gonna get to that when we come right back.
Meg: Okay, we are back and we have just a few more trends to be aware of as we move into 2023.
Meg: We've talked about so many already. One that I wanted to mention just like really briefly, fits into the pop culture category. I think that this is me making a prognostication, this is my prediction. Okay. I think we're gonna continue to see more avant garde movies, more like horror and science fiction that are like push the boundaries of of what we think of when we think of like popular movies.
Meg: I'm thinking like what Jordan Peel is doing with get Out Uhhuh and other, the other movies that he has created in [00:57:00] the shaking up what our ideas of horror are. That I think that horror movies are continuing to be on trend. That people are enjoying those because they are so imaginative.
Meg: I think people are over Maybe not over mc Marvelous cinematic universe movies, but just like we're ready for new stories and horror and science fiction are two areas where you can, they're like so imaginative. Yeah. Or like how big Everything everywhere. All at once was last year. So innovative and such different storytelling than we're used to.
Meg: And I think we're gonna see that. I think that the film that just came out, the horror science fiction film, Megan that just came out about the doll. Have you seen the trailer for this, Kelly? I haven't seen the trailer for it. I don't think so. The premise is that there is a little girl whose parents have died and her, she goes to live with her aunt who works in developing ai.
Meg: And so they create this AI doll that is meant to be like, help this little girl never feel sad again. As is often the case in [00:58:00] the whole reason the realm, the genre of science fiction is exists is because it takes these ideas of, oh my gosh, there's this new technology. What if it goes wrong?
Meg: . And so the AI. Becomes fully actualized in the film. Megan is the name of the doll, and the doll starts to, do horrible things. Yeah. And that movie is really big. Lots of buzz around it right now. And I think that's a great example of we're as we grasp and grapple with all of the changes that are happening in our bigger collective culture and society and world right now, that we're gonna see more expressions of that in pop culture.
Meg: And I think film is where you're really gonna see a lot of that. That's my prediction.
Kelly: Actually I wrote down something too that was similar, more in a big way. I just think that in some ways, pop culture is dead, and what we have now is niche culture.
Meg: Ooh, dang. Y'all write that down because that is the truth.
Kelly: It's not that there aren't things that are [00:59:00] very widely known, but because of the internet and all the different things, we are so segmented. Yeah. That there are very few things that I feel like you could consider pop culture these days. People can find their own things and there's so much content being created and a lot of it good.
Kelly: Some of it's obviously not great, but a lot of it is really good. And so I can't get my family to watch anything together anymore because they're so used to watching their own thing. They're like, I don't, that's not exactly what I would choose. Like I, I was gonna go do this thing.
Kelly: I have my YouTube person posted something new or whatever. I just think that the idea, it's, which. , it's been a gradual thing, right? Yeah. I grew up with the kind of the three main networks, or Oh, for sure. For yes. And then there was cable, yeah. But it was even the olden days, we had a cable box that had an A and a B
Kelly: Oh my gosh. Yes. That was really old, so as things have grown and then there were DVDs and like just we have so much at our disposal. Yes. That I feel like we. [01:00:00] Not in a bad way all the time, but we've lost that idea of a pop culture being something that we all share,
Meg: right? Yes.
Meg: Yeah. There is one thing I know coming in the year ahead that is going to be a sort of unifying moment, right?
Kelly: Yeah. Tell us little about that. I honestly don't know. So you guys, if you aren't aware, one of the big things that I feel like you just need to have on your radar for 2023 is that Charles will be coronated as king in England in May.
Kelly: Okay. So I had forgotten , honestly. like the queen died. Yes. And then we were like, okay, so Charles is king now, right? Yes. But not really. I maybe he is technically, but they're gonna have the big fricking huge ceremony. Yeah. In May. And I don't know, we've never seen this happen. Very few people are alive today that have seen a new head of state in England.
Kelly: Yes. Be seated on the throne. So I am fascinated. I think it will be interesting. I do know that there are. All kinds of problems with the royal family right now. Sure. With [01:01:00] Harry and Megan, like documentary and then the book coming out. Yes. It might be just another moment for people to be like, why are we caring so much about these people and blah, blah, blah.
Kelly: I am sure it will be not without controversy. But if nothing else, it will be fascinating to watch. Yes. And the poin, pomp and circumstance and to see what happened. So that's gonna be a big thing. Yes. That is not a bad news thing necessarily coming in 2023, so I just felt like we needed to put it on your radar.
Meg: Yes, definitely be aware. I'm like, you, like I saw that you had made a note of that. And I was like, wait, he's not like literally already the king . I don't know how these things work, obviously. No, the coordination hasn't happened yet, but it's coming up and I do think that there's so much conversation, so much people criticizing people pointing out things that are good.
Meg: The Harry and Megan split off and all that. They, the, I don't wanna say content they're creating, but the things, oh, the things they bringing to light. Yeah. Harry has a book coming out, like I think Yeah, it's out. Yeah. What?
Kelly: It's out right now? I think so. I think [01:02:00] it came out last week.
Meg: Okay. Okay. I did not even realize that. , the conversations around the royal family, whether you love them or hate them, those will be very on trend in 2023. Those conversations are not going anywhere, I don't think. Yeah. Okay. Here's the last thing I'm gonna tell you guys, and I am delighted to share this with you.
Meg: Now, this does have to do with the realm of the stars and collective energy and a little bit into astrology. So this may not be for you, but I think you're gonna love the message whether you believe in this stuff or not. So I wanna tell you, I got all of this information from a YouTuber named Sarah Verba, who does all kinds of work and talk around, not just astrology, but like around and more intentional living and those types of things.
Meg: I will link to her specific video where I got this from for you guys to go check out if you wanna watch the whole thing. But she mentions in this video that on March 7th of this year, that Saturn is going to move from the house of Aquarius into Pisces. And when that happens, [01:03:00] it will complete a three year cycle.
Meg: That three year cycle of Saturn being stuck in Aquarius is gonna come to a close. Kelly, if you think back three years from early March.
Kelly: Yep. That was when it all went down.
Meg: That's when it all went down. And so there's this idea as Saturn finally leaves the house of Aquarius and moves into the house of Pisces that we're bringing to a close collectively everything that has happened in the past three years, and she really encourages that starting in March.
Meg: That is a great time. You can do it anytime of. But especially when that energy is really high in March, it's a great time to ponder, to reflect on, to record for yourself what you've learned over the past three years to really take the time to go inward, to get honest with yourself. A lot of us have seen those changes come to light, but how how often have we had time to even take a beat to think about what we've learned and what we've experienced?
Meg: There's gonna be a [01:04:00] really strong emphasis on the collective wisdom moving as a Saturn moves into Pisces. The last time that Saturn was in Pisces was in the mid nineties. So if we think back, those of us who were alive, I was graduating high school and going to college in the mid. . It was the last time we had this emphasis on learning from the collective wisdom.
Meg: And then finally the thing I'm so excited about is with this shift in our universe that the energy is going to be softer, more gentle. So I, when you said earlier like that everything is focused on a softer experience, I was like smiling so much because I was thinking of this Oh, okay.[01:05:00]
Meg: Hey. Oh,
Kelly: you're here. I'm back. So I was like, okay, good. And it looks and actually I've heard this and Audacity still recording. Yeah. And Riverside, I think also like it's gonna drop out, but I think it will still be okay. Okay. Okay. So let's just see what happens. Yeah. Let's see. Yeah, exactly.
Kelly: Okay. Okay. Okay. So you, I lost near the end. Okay. I [01:06:00] was kinda looking for a break to be like, I'm just gonna go you keep, and then it just shut down and I was like, you just
Meg: came here. Morning . Okay. So if you wanna pick up, the last thing that I was saying is that you were saying mid nineties.
Meg: Yes. And then the last thing I said was that overall the energy is gonna be softer and more gentle. And then I said, that's why when you mention. It's the trend towards soft. I just it made me so happy because it matches this idea. So if you wanna pick up from there and then we can wrap up. Okay.
Meg: Yes. Cause
Kelly: I've got something I can say. Okay. Yes. And actually something that I saw in one of the articles that I read, , I thought, this is funny. I think it was the New York Times, they were like, the, one of the trends were 2023. They call it the Normies. . Okay. The Normies Revenge. Oh. But they're basically saying that we just are gonna get back to some normal life.
Kelly: Thank you. Is so it goes with that, right? Yes. mean, I don't think it's revenge really, but it's just the idea that we've been through a lot and we've been acknowledging this, collectively as a culture for sure on the [01:07:00] podcast over the last three years. So the idea really, when you were saying.
Kelly: Like this has been a three year cycle. Yes. Like I got chills. Okay. Yes, it has been and I'm So I will take the affirmation that we are gonna just have some boring, bland Yes. Time ahead of us. Yes. Boring is a little Now make it happen. Yes. Boring and bland sounds pretty darn good because Yeah.
Kelly: It just would be a chance for us all to take a deep breath and exhale. Yes. So yes, that is, obviously the awesomes will take it or leave it as far as the astrology part goes, but I think that we can all embrace a little bit of normy in our line. Yes.
Meg: Bring on the normy. Let's lead the charge for sure.
Meg: Yes. We need t-shirts and bumper stickers and everything. For sure. That'd be great. Oh, thank you so much for sitting down with me. Thank you for doing the research. I know I had fun digging through too, all of this.
Kelly: It's very exciting to think about this. It's, it is really, it's fun to see, obviously, as we've said, we don't know how much of this stuff will, yeah.
Kelly: Truly trend the way that people who are smarter than [01:08:00] us and pay attention to these little pockets of culture, say they will. But yeah, if nothing else, I do think that you'll be hearing about most of these things.
Meg: Yes, for sure. , for sure. . Again, happy birthday you, if the Awesomes went to find you on social media too, wish you a happy birthday or to just talk about any of this or anything else.
Meg: Where can we find you all around the web?
Kelly: You can always find me in this sort of awesome hangout on Facebook or this sort of awesome superstars group, which is that exclusive Facebook hangout for our superstar repor supporters. Reporters. Yes.
Meg: reporters. There's probably some reporters
Kelly: in there, . Yeah, there might be.
Kelly: But you can also find me on social media. I'm still on Twitter still there, so Still there. Angela Gordon Mn. And same address on Instagram at Kelly Gordon m. Okay,
Meg: you can find me on social media at sorta awesome. Meg. You can find the show by searching sorta awesome. Wherever you are, give us a hashtag.
Meg: If you're talking about the show, we would love to hear from you.
Meg: Awesomes, happy 2023. Again, thanks so much for listening. We'll see y'all next time.