Ep. 226 All the best of 2019!

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Grab a glass of champagne and a plateful of party food, Awesomes! It’s time for our annual year-end look back on the year. This year brought a lot of awesome to our lives, and we are excited to share it with you! Tune in to hear Meg, Kelly, and Rebekah reflect back on favorites from the year, and do some looking forward to the year ahead!

Take a few minutes to take our Awesome survey and enter to win an Amazon gift card!

Need to complete your end of year giving? Don't forget to take a moment to fund our VERY Awesome teachers through GiftATeacher.org! Pari Omidbakhsh Lucia Deus Matt Bickers


Boll & Branch Get fifty dollars off at bollandbranch.com , promo code AWESOME

LinkedIn: Go to linkedin.com/AWESOME and get a $50 credit toward your first job post. Terms and conditions apply.

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Awesomes of the Year:
Kelly: The Big One (featured on Sorta Awesome Ep 193) AND Joia Cocktails

Rebekah: Sorta Awesome Ep 192 - Heartbreak, doubt, and finding faith through the storms

Kelly's Food of the Year:
Blood orange chocolate chip ricotta OR lemon ricotta (Trader Joe's)
Chocolate peanut butter mocchi (Trader Joe's)
Super Sour Scandinavian Swimmers (Trader Joe's)
Chocolate peppermint loaf (Trader Joe's)
candles at Trader Joe's
chili lime cashews (Aldi)
bite-sized spicy salami (Aldi)
street taco meal kit (Costco)

Kelly's Transformative Reads:

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, Emily and Amelia Nagoski
Living a chronic life in a fix-it-now world by Kate Bowler
What are we teaching boys when we discourage them from reading books about girls?

Rebekah’s Favorites of the Year:

The Big One

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes

The Beautiful World of Jeffree Star by Shane Dawson (If you decide to watch the series, it may be helpful to watch the first series Shane did with Jeffree for some context. You can find the first video in that series here)

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Find Kelly on her blogTwitterFacebook, and Instagram!

Find Rebekah on her blogFacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

Ep 225 Confessions: Holiday Edition

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We're in the home stretch now, Awesomes! December is drawing to an end and with it, the holidays, the year, and a decade. Let's hang out, lighten up, and tell a few stories to bring some silliness to these too-short December days. Join Meg, Kelly, and Rebekah in a new confessions episode - holiday edition! Plus you'll discover a podcast binge, an incredible app, and a game-changer lip product in Awesome of the Week!

Take a few minutes to take our Awesome survey and enter to win an Amazon gift card!

Need to complete your end of year giving? Don't forget to take a moment to fund our VERY Awesome teachers through GiftATeacher.org! Pari Omidbakhsh Lucia Deus Matt Bickers


First Leaf: For six bottles of wine and get free shipping at tryfirstleaf.com/awesome

Quip: Save on gift sets and get your first refill FREE with a refill plan at getquip.com/awesome

Wantable: Let Wantable help you refresh your closet! Get $25 off your first Edit at wantable.com/awesome

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Rebekah's AotW: The Habitat

Kelly's AotW: Toontastic creative storytelling app

Meg’s AotW: Bite Beauty Agave+ Daytime Lip Balm

You can find Meg on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Find Rebekah on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Find Kelly on her blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

Ep. 224 Favorite holiday traditions: yours & ours

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Fix up a hot cocoa and snuggle up by the fire with us, Awesomes! This week, we’re doing a deep dive into favorite holiday traditions! Meg is joined by Rebekah, and they share some traditions old and new that make the holidays memorable for their families. Then they share some of the best holiday traditions shared with us by YOU, the Awesome community! All of that plus practical charging solutions and a handy app for selling your stuff in Awesome of the Week!

COME TAKE A SURVEY and enter to win an Amazon gift card! Please AND thank you!!

These GIFTATEACHER.ORG teachers are counting on your support for next semester!
Pari Omidbakhsh
Lucia Deus
Matt Bickers


Rothys: Go to rothys.com/awesome to check out the latest styles

Bombas:  Save 20% by visiting bombas.com/awesome and enter the offer AWESOME in the checkout code space

Billie: for 10% off of your new favorite razor, go to mybillie.com/awesome

Kopari: Go to koparibeauty.com/awesome to get 15% off your monthly subscription orders

Legacy Box: Go to legacybox.com/AWESOME to get 60% off your first order

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Rebekah's AotW: POWRUI Outlet Extender with USB ports

Meg’s AotW: Mercari app
Rebekah's Favorite Christmas Books:

Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Who is Coming to Our House? by Joseph Slate & Ashely Wolff

Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Christmas by Joy Cowley

15+ Best Nativity Picture Books for Kids

Community Appreciation Gifts:

5 Easy, Clever, and Cheap Neighbor Gift Ideas

5 More Easy, Clever, and Cheap Neighbor Gift Ideas

How to Gift Redbox Codes

Orange You Glad It Is Christmas? Neighbor Gift

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Find Rebekah on her blogFacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

Ep. 223 Seven kinds of self-care for the holiday season

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Happy December, Awesomes! You know that we preach the message of practicing self-care year ‘round, but we think it’s especially important during the often chaotic season of the holidays. This week, Meg is joined by Kelly, and they have a list of seven kinds of self-care to practice to keep yourself healthy and sane during the weeks ahead. Plus, a very touching Awesome of the Week (followed by a sensory relief for the bathroom!).

Pari Omidbakhsh
Lucia Deus
Matt Bickers
Amanda Johnson


ThirdLove: Go to thirdlove.com/AWESOME to find your perfect-fitting bra and get 15% off your first purchase

Lola: Go to mylola.com and enter code awesome30 at checkout for 30% off your subscription

Grove: Go to Grove.co/AWESOME and receive a free sustainable swaps set with your first order

LinkedIn: Go to linkedin.com/AWESOME and get a $50 credit toward your first job post. Terms and conditions apply.

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Kelly's Awesome of the Week: Kindness - pay it forward. (This is the pet ornament Awesome Liz sent her in honor of her dog Sami, if you'd like to see it or you know someone else who might like one.)

Meg: Trader Joe’s Super Lemon Spritz

Mentioned on the show:

The 7 Types of Rest You Need to Actually Feel Recharged

This is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths and Chocolate Cake

Sorta Awesome Ep. 162: Self-Care, Self- Comfort, What’s Healthy, What’s Not

Advent resources:

Field Notes by Sarah Bessey

CCCA Bible Project 2019

For further reading:

The Importance of Self-Care During the Holidays

5 Tips for Self-Care During the Holidays

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Find Kelly on her blogTwitterFacebook, and Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!