Ep. 172 How I told my sister I'm pregnant

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Surprise! Meg's sister Emily is back on Sorta Awesome this week, and one of them has a big announcement! Content warning: pregnancy, babies, and other topics that might be sensitive for some of our Awesomes or the little ones who sometimes listen along. The big news plus tech-y happiness and an Advent album in Awesome of the Week!

ShoeDazzle: Go to shoedazzle.com/awesome and get 50% off your first order when you sign up as a VIP

Dignify: Beautiful throws and blankets that do good in the world! For 10% off your purchase, go to shopdignify.com and use code AWESOME at checkout!

Grove: For a FREE 60-day VIP membership and a bonus gift when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more, check out Grove at Grove.co/AWESOME

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!

Matt Maher The Advent of Christmas
Lily Nichols Real Food For Pregnancy
Arms Reach Co-Sleeper

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

You can find Emily on Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

Ep. 171 Holiday Gift Guide (a group show!)

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Awesomes! It’s the most WONDERFUL time of the year, that time of year when we cozy up right next to you and help you solve your biggest gift-giving questions! Join Meg, Kelly, and Rebekah for the annual Sorta Awesome Holiday Gift Guide! The 2018 version of the gift guide will help you tackle the toughest parts of your holiday gift-giving including just the right picks for your mother-in-law, your college-aged brother, and gifts that will work for a whole family. All of that plus stocking stuffers, best gifts of the year, and our own personal wish lists!

Go to mylola.com and enter code awesome40 at checkout for 40% off your subscription
Audible: Go to Audible.com/AWESOME or text AWESOME to 500-500 for a free 30-day trial membership!

Kopari: Go to kopari.com/awesome and see how you can save $5 off your first order

Grove: For a FREE 60-day VIP membership and a bonus gift when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more, check out Grove at Grove.co/AWESOME

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Buckle up, Awesomes! Here is your gift guide for 2018!

As a reminder, this post contains affiliate links. We receive a small compensation when you purchase an item after clicking on one of our links. Thank you for supporting Sorta Awesome with your shopping this holiday season!


Rebekah’s Gift Ideas:

Awesome Gift of the Year:
Hape Tap & Pound Bench with Slide Out Xylophone

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Ep. 170 Our first faves with Knox McCoy

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Do you remember the first novel you loved so much you read it over and over? How about the first song you couldn't stop listening to or the first movie you raved about to all of your friends? For most of us, those moments in pop culture that introduced us to our first FAVORITES tell us a lot about who we were back then and how it influenced us to this day. This week, join Meg and Knox McCoy - author and co-host of The Popcast with Knox and Jamie - as they do a deep dive into their own personal first favorites from pop culture including books, sports, and those "edgy" alternative phases. All of that, plus Awesome of the Week!


Away: The luggage with POWER! For $20 off your Away suitcase, go to awaytravel.com/awesome and use promo code awesome at check-out!

ShoeDazzle: Go to shoedazzle.com/awesome and get 50% off your first order when you sign up as a VIP

Dignify: Beautiful throws and blankets that do good in the world! For 10% off your purchase, go to shopdignify.com and use code AWESOME at checkout!

Grove: For a FREE 60-day VIP membership and a bonus gift when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more, check out Grove at Grove.co/AWESOME

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Bodyguard on Netflix
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat on Netflix

Find Knox's book The Wondering Years on Amazon

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

You can find Knox at KnoxMcCoy.com!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

Ep. 169 Can we not? (a group show!)

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Some things are undeniably awesome, and some things are definitely not. This week, Meg is joined by Kelly and Rebekah to hash out some stuff that just has to go! Tune in to hear an airing of cultural pet peeves that will leave you high-fiving in agreement and also wondering whether or not Meg is a monster behind the wheel. All of that plus loads of good stuff for November in Awesome of the Week!

When you shop Amazon this holiday season, support Sorta Awesome by shopping through our affiliate link at sortaawesomeshow.com/amazon


Grove: For a FREE 60-day VIP membership and a bonus gift when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more, check out Grove at Grove.co/AWESOME

LinkedIn: Go to linkedin.com/AWESOME and get a $50 credit toward your first job post. Terms and conditions apply

Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors!


Michelle DeRusha’s Practicing Presence: Preparing Your Heart, Mind & Soul for the Holidays
Alaffia Body Wash and Shampoo for Kids, Alaffia bubble bath

Why the Zipper Merge is Faster (a video made in Canada and is HYSTERICAL and true)
How to Check If You Have Diastasis Recti
Daylight Saving Time Guide

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Find Kelly on her blog, TwitterFacebook, and Instagram!

Find Rebekah on her blogFacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!