Extra Awesome: What's hot in planners for 2019

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Get our your favorite gel ink pens and fire up that washi tape, Awesomes! In this episode of Extra Awesome, Meg is joined by the Awesome community's own Alisha Johnson - creator of the Sorta Awesome Planner Peeps Facebook group and all-around guru for all things planners and more! In this bonus episode, Alisha fills us in on what's hot in planners for the upcoming year (hint: it's all about customization!) as well as which planners people love most. All of that plus the most inspiring social media accounts to follow to help you find "planner peace."

Happy Planner
Scribbles That Matter - bullet planner
Erin Condren
Plum Paper
Inkwell Press

(Heather Kell on YouTube)
(At Home With Quita on YouTube)

A few hashtags I like to follow:

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!
