Ep. 51 Magic for your ears: podcasts and podcasting

Megan wanted to do a deep dive into podcasting, and who better to join her than enthusiast of all things media Kelly? Together they explore the development of this medium along with their own personal histories and first favorite shows. They weigh in on the celebrity podcast trend, and then reveal some of the technical nitty-gritty of creating new episodes of Sorta Awesome each week. All of that plus Awesome of the Week!

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Awesome of the Week
dance class for fun exercise
House of Cards, season 4 (and this article on Neve Campbell's experience with the show)

1. Edison Research: Monthly Podcast Consumption Surges to More Than One in Five Americans
2. The Art of Simple Podcast, How They Blog, Ted Radio Hour, Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me!
3. The Big Boo Cast, Pop Culture Happy Hour
4. Real Runners Chat
5. Blue Yeti Microphone
6. ATR 2100 microphone
7. Audacity
8. Auphonic
9. ecamm Call Recorder

Find Kelly on her blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

You can find Megan on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram!