Ep. 323 A magic midi skirt, scary scary snakes, and a delightful nostalgia overload!

August is here, and let's make it AWESOME! We start this first week of August with Meg and Kyle giving you the rundown on all kinds of good stuff coming to streaming, much of it packed with nostalgia feel-good fuzzies. We've got recommendations from the Awesomes on all that is good to watch, two great reading picks, a bookish soundtrack, and some great recommends for awesome in the everyday.

We also have crazy, funny, and bizarre news items you probably missed in the news last week!

Come join us on Instgram or in the Hangout group for more awesome, every single day!


NBCOlympics TikTok

The Soulmate Equation, Christina Lauren

The One, John Marrs

The Song of Achilles playlist

Megababe powder

Pleated skirt on Amazon