Ep. 01 - Meet Rebekah!

Hey all! In this episode of Sorta Awesome, I’m introducing you to my dear friend and show co-host Rebekah Hoffer of Simply Rebekah. We had such a great time recording this episode! In it, you’ll get an overview of Rebekah’s life story (including the very fun, very unusual way she met her husband) as well as hear about what is challenging her right now and what topic she is always talking about. Rebekah is just one of my very favorite people and I know you are going to love her as much as I do!


1) Your goofy co-hosts:

2) Voxer - we LOVE it!

3) In Your Eyes, Amazon

4) Rebekah’s love story

Infamous dorm room window:

Rebekah and Nate in college (reunited after she lived in Guatamala for three months!):

5) Rhett and Link, Good Mythical Morning

Will it donut?

Will it pizza?

As always - Progger! Thank you to Progger for allowing us to use the song Strut.

Find more of Progger’s incredible music on their website, at BandCamp, and on Facebook and Twitter!

So glad to have you along this week! Coming up next, you’ll meet my very long time friend Laura of Hollywood Housewife whom I have also somehow managed to talk into co-hosting with me. See you back then!


[00:00:00] Hey everyone, I'm Megan Teets and this is sorta awesome.

On today's show, I'm introducing you to one of my co-hosts, Rebecca Hoffer, of simply rebecca.com. In this episode, Rebecca is going to reveal to you the sort of surprising thing that she is always talking about. She also tells a story of a somewhat awkward, potentially unsafe situation that ended up with a happy ending when she met the man of her.

But first we're gonna kick things off with our awesome of the week. [00:01:00] Hey Rebecca, how are you lady? Hi, Megan. I'm good. How are you? I'm good. I am so excited that we have finally made time to sit down and do this. So excited. Yes, I have been waiting and waiting and I can't wait. Okay. Before we even dig in, Rebecca doesn't know I'm going to say this, but I just want to, uh, let everybody know that if it were not for Rebecca, you all would not be listening to the sort of awesome podcast at this moment because a couple of things.

First of all, when I first started to talk about starting a podcast, I had a couple of names in mind and I floated them out to some friends. Um, and I got a lot of good positive feedback. And I had landed on one that I really liked a whole lot. Um, and Rebecca was one of the vocal minority that kind of was like, you know what?

I don't really love that name for you. Yeah, I really did not like it. No, I know. And at first that was hard to hear cuz I was pretty attached to the name. I had settled on that. Thankfully, Rebecca is one of [00:02:00] those friends who will say the things that need to be said. And she and I talked through on Voxer.

I don't know if you all use Voxer. It's a fantastic, amazing app, especially for extroverts like Rebecca and I who have a lot of words. Anyway. You love Voxer? Yes, we vox a lot. We talked through it on Voxer and Rebecca helped me think through tons of names and helped me settle on sort of. Awesome. So if you're loving the idea of sorta awesome, you have Rebecca to thank.

If you think it's way, you're welcome, I guess, . I was happy to help. I have been very excited about this podcast, so yes, yes, yes. Sorry for my negative opinions, but I'm really happy with the new name. Totally. Seriously. Everybody needs somebody in their life who will be like, Hey, you know what? No, I don't think so.

that's not for you. And Rebecca's that person in my life. Seriously. I know if I need an opinion in someone that's gonna tell me the truth, I turned to Rebecca. So, okay, so speaking of sorta. One thing that we are going to do on this show is we're gonna open [00:03:00] with a segment called Awesome of the Week. And each week both I and the person I'm talking to will bring something that's sorta awesome that has, uh, happened to us, something that we've done, something we've listened to, that we want to share with each other and share with you all.

So this week I'm gonna let Rebecca kick things off with her Awesome. Of the week. So tell us what you got. I am ready. Okay, so my sort of awesome for the week is the movie In Your Eyes. Okay. I watched it on Netflix. Uhhuh, . It's also available on Amazon. You have to pay like four or $5. I looked that up if you wanna watch it on Amazon.

Okay. But the reason why I love this movie, it's a romantic movie. Oh yes, of course. And the reason why I loved it is because there was a focus on this mental connection. Mm-hmm. between the two characters. Okay. And let me. The plot line a little bit. Okay. It's a little strange. Okay. And to be honest, it's some parts of it are a little bit lame because here's what it [00:04:00] is, there's these two people who live across the country from each other.

Okay. One's on the east coast, one's like out west somewhere. Mm-hmm. . And they have this ability where their minds are connected that they can see. What the other person is seeing. Okay. And they can hear what they're hearing and they can sometimes feel what they're feeling. Okay. So for example, the one guy got like hit in a bar by somebody.

Mm-hmm. . And then the girl could feel that from across the country and like knocked her on the floor. Whoa. Okay. So kind of maybe a little lame, a little cheesy, right? So I was browsing through Netflix. I'm like, there's no way this movie is gonna be any good like this. This is so far-fetched. This is just not gonna be good.

But it had amazing reviews. Hmm. So I was like, oh, okay. I'll trust the Netflix community . So, which is a scary proposition that can go either way on you, you know what I mean? Yeah. So I, I watched it and I [00:05:00] fell in love with this movie, and I became so obsessed and the more that I thought about it, The more I realize that it's all about the mental connection and how sexy that is.

Whoa. Okay. Because here's, here's the thing. This is my problem with most like romantic comedies. Sure. Okay. Yes. They go straight from like first kiss into the bedroom. Right. Right. Or you might have like a period piece, like from way back in the day. Mm-hmm. and to, you know, the leading lady and the man like look at each other from like, The room.

Yes. And then they share like five sentences. Right. And then he's asking for her hand in marriage and I'm like, where did that connection come from? Like Right. It that, that just doesn't really work for me. Okay. And in reality, neither of those situations, the romantic comedy straight into the bedroom or the staring at each other from across the room, now we're getting married scenario.

Neither one of those look like my love story, right? Yes. So, [00:06:00] The reason why I loved in your eyes so much is cuz it felt like this celebration of the mental connection and the build that naturally happens. Mm-hmm. between two people as they're pursuing each other. I like it and it felt like I was back in my dating days.

And like getting excited again about my husband and the mental connection that we had right now. We could not see like through each other's eyes, right? I mean that's like scientific weird . Um, yes, I think we can establish that , but I just loved that. That mental connection that it was celebrating. That's awesome.

Yeah. It felt so different to me. Yeah. I loved that. Is it a recent movie? I don't, I've not heard of it, but I am completely out of the loop on movies. Okay. So it's an independent film. Okay. And it recently was released, but it was released straight to like online distribution. Oh, wow. So it wasn't ever in the theater.

Okay. So you can watch it on Netflix or you can watch it on Amazon. [00:07:00] And I loved it in your eyes. Okay. Okay. There, there are some parts there like, oh no, no, this is a little layman cheesy, and I'm not sure I totally love the ending, but man, Like seeing a real mental connection build between people. It's like worth celebrating your own love story.

Okay, awesome. I will put that in the show notes for this show so people can check it out. And I have to say I'm intrigued. I Well, yes, most definitely. It's worth the watch. Check it out. Now, did you watch this by yourself or did Nate watch it with you? I watched it by myself. Do you think that. Couples could watch it together?

Or is it more a chick flick genre? Well, it's definitely a chick flick. Like I think you gotta know you're a guy. Mm-hmm. my guy. I think he would've liked it, but the like somewhat cheesy part about, you know, seeing each other, right. Each other's world. I mean, that might be a little farfetched for some guys to be able to Gotcha.

Cling onto mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . I don't know. I thoroughly enjoyed it all by myself, but you know, [00:08:00] if Okay, if the listeners watch it with a significant other, I wanna hear about it. Yes. And I wanna hear how it goes over. Yes, definitely. We do need follow up on that. That is so true. Okay. Thank you. That is very awesome.

I love it. I am gonna check it out myself. What are you bringing to the table this week? Okay, awesome. Of the week also has to do with Netflix, so I mean, I guess we can. Awesome. Kind of agree that Netflix is awesome across the board. What did we do before Netflix? I mean, seriously? Um, I don't know. Okay, so Netflix, house of Cards.

Original series. You watched it? Have not watched it. Okay. Have not heard of it. So Kyle and I, uh, have watched House of Cards. It is a Netflix original. We watched the first two seasons as they were released. Um, we, I think we've actually watched all of Netflix's. Original productions. I'm gonna have to double check on that.

I don't wanna lie to anybody, but, um, this is one that we checked out specifically because both of us are huge fans of Kevin [00:09:00] Spacey, um, who plays the lead in it. Frank Underwood and his wife Claire Underwood is played by Robin Wright, who most people of our generation know as the Princess Bride. and she has had a wonderfully and remarkable, uh, wonderfully celebrated, remarkable career since then, since the Princess Bride.

So, um, it's a political story. We watched the first few seasons. It kind of shows Frank Underwood, um, Kevin Space. He is not a good dude. He is a politician from South Carolina and we watch how he navigates the political landscape in Washington and all of this sort of, , like dirty backhanded. Mm-hmm. , um, un just like the gross underworld of Washington that, you know, probably is pretty true.

Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so you watch him, uh, through the first three seasons, the first two seasons as he sort of on his trajectory to power. Well, by season three, which Kyle and I just watched this past week, and [00:10:00] that's why it's the awesome of the week for me. Um, he has all of his political conniving has paid off and he is in the white.

So it follows Frank and Claire, as you know, as he has taken over in the White House and all of the different. Things that he sort of, all of the seeds that he has planted along the way, both good and bad and a lot of bad, are really coming to fruition. Um, the first two seasons, I have to say, I was not like totally in love with it.

I thought it was fantastically done. I feel like Netflix does a great job with all of their originals, but it wasn't like something that I was gonna just go on and on talking about how much I loved it. season three was amazing. And it's interesting that you were talking about relationship dynamic in your, uh, awesome of the week with that movie.

Yeah. Because what I really liked about season three, and it's one of those things where the more I think about it, like we finished it a few days ago, but the more I think about it, the more. I love it because it really looks at the marriage between Frank and Claire, [00:11:00] what it has been in the past, and what being in the White House does to their marriage, some things.

Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's super, super interesting. Um, some surprising things happen, and it's one of those things where, I don't know if you feel this way, cause I know you have done a couple of Netflix binges where you just watch this series all the way through. Mm-hmm. . Oh, honey. Yeah, . It's one of those things where it's like, I wish I could talk to somebody about, I need to talk about season three of House of Cards right now.

I just finished it, but. The thing about Netflix, you were talking about Netflix community is like everybody's watching different things at different times. Oh. And you can't, you don't wanna like put on Facebook anything that would spoil it for anybody, but Oh, no. No time. I feel like I need to have a major debrief with somebody.

So if you are out there listening and you have finished House of Cards through the end of season three. And you wanna talk, let's figure out a way to talk about it. Because I have many thoughts on season three of House of Cards. That is my awesome. Of the week. So, well question for you. Do you feel like you need to have a [00:12:00] natural interest in politics or how all that works in order to appreciate the show?

Absolutely not. Although it, it's hard for me to say that because I do enjoy a good political thriller. I do. Um, I enjoy even just like, I don't know, do you watch Scandal? It's no sort of centered. I've seen it like flipping around. Okay. But it's centered around White House politics too. I don't know. Maybe I do like it more than I would've ever thought that I did , because now I'm thinking of several things like the West Wing.

I really liked that. I don't know that you would have to really be into politics so much as just, um, you know, character study. Like I said, Kevin Spacey and really to some extent his wife. She's not necessarily. Like morally bad, like he is, but she is, um, very cold and very calculating both of them are, and so just watching how all of that, like I said, just the fruits of all of that play out in season three.

Mm-hmm. super interesting. Just in terms of. [00:13:00] Human storytelling, so, okay. Well I will have to add that to my next Netflix. Yeah. Binge list. Yes. It's good for binging. It is. It is. Okay. So in the future, what we're going to do in our second segment of the show is take questions from you all the listeners, and I'm gonna tell you at the end of the show how you can get those questions to us.

That we will be doing our best to give you some awesome answers for, but since we don't have any questions from you to answer yet and because I want each of you to really get to know your co-host team here at Sorta Awesome. I have started out with some questions for each of my co-hosts, so we're gonna move into the q and a segment, and this q and a is focused on Rebecca.

So Rebecca. I would love to hear from you, first of all, just give us a rundown. Could you give us your life story in about five minutes or less? [00:14:00] Okay, here we go. Here we go. I grew up in Ohio, in a Christian home, on a farm. Hmm. Um, I have two siblings who are 10 and 12 years older than I am. Oh. Which, Yeah. So that had a little bit of an interesting dynamic.

Yes. You know, the, the baby of the family by extreme. Okay. I don't think I ever knew that about you. I knew you had siblings, but I did not realize that age difference was there. That is so interesting. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah. And I, I feel like that really does make a difference in how you grow up. Yes. So, you know, I spent a lot of time playing with imaginary friends doing Saul and dance shows for imaginary audiences.

Right, right. Things like that. Um, and then, you know, moving into high school, I got involved more in theater, um, moving away from imaginary audiences to real audiences, real life audiences. Real life audiences. Really fell in love with theater. Um, that's also when I went on my first missions trip. Um, my parents and I, we went to Honduras.

[00:15:00] For a little bit of time, uh, to work with people in a dental clinic to help Okay. People with their dental and health needs there. That's also where I had my first kiss. Just an interesting, whoa. Was it factoid about me? Was it somebody on the, uh, mission trip with you or was it one of the Um, I, he was like local.

Staff. Oh my goodness. I know. Scandalous, right? Yes. scandal. I'm terrible. Anywho kissing for Jesus, um, is what Rebecca remember about her life story. . Exactly. I'm such an example. . Okay. Then, you know, then I went to a private Christian college in Virginia. And in what school was there? Where do you feel like you can tell us?

I went to Eastern Mennonite University. Eastern Mennonite University? Yeah. I grew up in a, in a Mennonite home. Okay. But now, see, there's different kinds of Mennonites. There's like the Mennonites that dress in very conservative clothing. Wear like bonnets and stuff. [00:16:00] Mm-hmm. . And then there are Mennonites who look like me.

Okay. Which is. more mainstream culture. Um, e exactly. Mm-hmm. . I was gonna say normal, but that's a really like, egotistical way of describing how they look. . . So I went to that Christian school, um, and one of my first most important memories of that college, uh, my freshman roommate, We went walking one day through the campus trying to meet people and you know, just get familiar with the campus.

And there was this guy hanging out his window of his like first floor dorm room. Mm-hmm. , and he was playing guitar, which he did not know how to play. Oh, wow. and making up songs and beckoning to anybody walking by to come crawl through his window. And my roommate and I, being the naive new freshman that we were, we're like, okay, we're trying to meet [00:17:00] people.

Uhhuh, , Uhhuh, . So we crawled through the window. Wow. That was a safe thing to do for sure. Well, it was, it's a small community and Christian, it was another, so it was fine, but the room was filled with this awkward collection of guys that for some reason seem like they were all a whole lot taller than me.

I'm like five two, and they, I just remember being very loud music. It was kind of dark and there was a lot of really tall guys in that room, and I was like this. So I feel concerned for freshman Rebecca right now, . Well, it was awkward more than anything. Mm-hmm. , it's not, not a very good environment to like get to know people.

You know? You can't hear anything. Right. Right. Yes. And you can barely see anybody. Mm-hmm. . So anyway, my, my roommate and I left, but the highlight of that story is that I ended up marrying the man that was beckoning me to crawl, crawl through his window. Oh my goodness. And. [00:18:00] My roommate also married a man that was in that room.

Wow, okay. Isn't that crazy? So, moral of the story, take a chance, crawl through the window. Yes. You might meet your mate. That is the key to getting your RS degree be open to window crawling. Exactly. I'm so glad that that story had a happy ending cuz that could have gone south really badly. Well, yeah, I mean it was a pretty tame campus but it definitely was strange.

So then the rest of my college was spent, um, studying video production and theater. More traveling around the world. I did a ton of traveling in college, some because of required requirements with my college, some not. Um, and you know, I just fell madly in love with my soon to be future husband. Nate. Yes.

So after college, um, I moved to Pennsylvania to be closer to Nate and his family so that we could spend some time dating close together cuz [00:19:00] we actually spent quite a bit of our dating time apart doing long distance. Oh, that because of, that's so fun. It was not fun at all. Right? He did a lot of international missions.

I was doing a lot of, um, international travel and I think we spent, by our two year anniversary, we had spent an hour. Or sorry, a year and six months apart from each other. Oh gosh. That's hard. It was hard. So I moved to be closer to him and eventually we were engaged, got married. I started working for a travel agency, which was a nice office job, but I felt like my creativity was.

Dying inside and I was desperate for a change. Yes. I can see how that would stifle the creativity right there. It Oh, . Help me . So I started working for a professional theater in the area. Mm-hmm. and I worked backstage there. Okay. I actually worked in the catwalks during the shows. Amazing. I [00:20:00] still own a ton of black clothing from that.

I bet you too, Thomas. Yes. I worked there until I had Grace, so, okay. Even at nine months pregnant, I was like up in the catwalk moving around. Or a rockstar. Yes. Oh, I'm totally, totally a rockstar. Totally. So after Grace, um, my daughter was born, I became a stay-at-home mom. Okay. And I really started missing the outlet, my extrovert.

Self Yes. Of like talking to my coworkers, expressing my opinions about things. Mm-hmm. , uh, sharing all of my wonderful knowledge about things. . Yes. And so I decided to start a blog, to start spewing all of that somewhere else. As you do. So all of us have , , so I started writing@simplyrebecca.com. Mm-hmm. . And that's where I focus on like natural living tips.

Mm-hmm. , how to save money on things. Yes. And General Parenthood things you're good with the frugal stuff. Frugal hacks. You're good. I'm frugal to the core. [00:21:00] You are. It's just, it's like naturally like part of me. Yes. So it's just kind of the way that I'm wired. Mm-hmm. , I hate to spend money. Mm-hmm. . So, you know, I, over the past several years I've been working to grow that.

My husband Nate, is the director of a homeless shelter. And these days, you know, we're spending all of our time navigating the joys and challenges of raising little ones. Yes. Um, you have another child too, right? Yes. After Grace, um, we have Noah, so Grace now is five and a half, and Noah will be three next month.

Oh, sweethearts. They're darling . You can say that. Cuz they're napping. Right? . Right, exactly. . So you know, I've learned that like I'm the happiest when I'm being creative. Yes. And I always thought that that would be me, like on the stage, but I'm learning more and more these days that that doesn't necessarily have to be.

Through acting, but that I also can grow my inner creative self through my blog and my writing and my photography. Mm mm-hmm. and [00:22:00] even just like coloring with my kids and reading story books to them. So that's what I'm working on and embracing. Totally. I love it. That is a fantastic life story. And I have to say of all of the stories I've heard of how I met my spouse, yours is, yours is in the hall of.

That's pretty fantastic. In fact, didn't you, you wrote a whole series on your blog about it, right? I did, I did. Do you think we can grab that link for the show notes in case somebody wants the, the more than five minute version? Most definitely. Awesome. I, yes. You know, I'm biased, but I think we have a pretty unique love story with, we're gonna go ahead and say that window with the window, the, and all the traveling Yes.

And how all that worked out. So Yes. Yeah. I, I love my love story. Okay. We're gonna pop that into the show notes for sure. Next question for you, and you kind of maybe hit on a little bit of it, um, in, in finishing up your life story there, but what are some of the biggest challenges that you're facing just in, in personal life right now?

[00:23:00] Um, personal, professional, just whatever. Right. What are some of your challenges that you're facing at this moment? Well, I would say a, a big overall struggle is, balancing the work. Yes. With the blog. Mm-hmm. and Life and my husband and I feeling connected amongst the chaos of the kids and his long hours, you know, and I think that's something that a lot of people can relate to.

Oh, absolutely. Um, yeah. , I would say like a really specific current struggle of like today is just trying to learn how to discipline my kids. Yes. And how they're so different. Grace has always been so eager to please mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. and so eager to do the right thing and respond very well to. Pretty mild forms of discipline.

Mm-hmm. , and then there's Noah . Yes. And yeah. Then there's Noah . Yes. No, that sounds exactly like my oldest two. Oh, yes. Oh, well then you need to teach me girl, [00:24:00] because. I discipline him and he just screams at me, stop it. Mommy . And he's just like not impressed. And he does this thing where like he's hitting now when he's angry.

Oh, the hitting, please. No, you can't do this. I know. I mean, he's two. , but like, uh, you know, discipline just is never, it's never fun. And then Right. Trying to, okay, well let's figure out, does this method work or this method? Yeah. You know, it's just, it's, it's a struggle. Gotcha. I mean, those, those years when the kids are little and it's like all day, every day, hands-on, like correcting and encouraging and redirecting and all of that, it.

Exhausting. So yeah, I really can be, you can see that that would be the challenge of the moment. So I hear you on that. And staying connected amongst the chaos for sure. Amen. Yes. Okay. One more question for you, if you don't mind, . [00:25:00] Sure. Too bad I have you trapped. You must answer. Um, so I think all of us, all of us on a very human level have a thing that we're like just, we're really.

Like we stick it so hard and once you get us started talking about it, it's hard to get us to shut up. Um mm-hmm. , anybody who knows me knows one of my things is personality type stuff. I love to talk about it. Oh yes. Especially Myers Brigg stuff. Uh, I think. Everyone in my life probably rolls their eyes so hard.

Once I start going, well, you know, that is actually really appropriate for your type . My husband loves his heart. Oh, I think that's so fascinating. I love when you go on your little tangents. I've learned so much from you. I do go on a tangent. I sure do. About it. So, okay. So anyway, to take it back though, to talking to you, um, what, what is something in your life that you're just always talking about that you're, that you dig so hard and that you're always, um, you always have a lot to say to the people around you [00:26:00] about it?

Well, I think the easy answer would be my blog or my kids. Sure. Yeah. You know, yada yada, right? Um, but what I really love is if I can find someone to talk about reality TV, or YouTube. And the sad thing is this is like going back to your House of Cards problem. Like nobody cares about the reality TV show that I'm into.

And so I'm like just silent. Assessing in my mind, like wishing I could spew all these thoughts out about The Bachelor. The Bachelor, Bachelor for Rebecca. She's tried to talk to me about The Bachelor, and I just, I'm not into it. or Big Brother. Do you watch Big Brother? Oh, I don't, again, no. I feel like, I feel like I miss, here's the thing, how you're, you're younger than me by quite a few years, right?

Well, not that many. I'm 37. How old are. You left that you left that out of your life story, . I'm [00:27:00] 33. Okay. See now I really do. I feel like that is a big enough span of time. I feel like with Big Brother especially, I just missed the, I missed the cultural boat on that. Um, I feel like people that are younger than me love Big Brother.

It's been on for a long time, hasn't it? It really has. I've watched every season except for the very first one, and I think it's like, . I think this was like season 16, this past summer or something. Oh my gosh. Wow. So obviously a lot of people still dig it. How can you not find anyone to talk ? I don't know.

The next time I make a new friend I'm taking applications. Yes. You must be into the Bachelor whole franchise. Big Brother. You gotta watch really dumb YouTube videos with me. I mean, I, I need the outlet. Yes. It, but it's so ridiculous. Nobody, nobody cares. But for some reason, I just really do . Now, I'll tell you what, now I'm not into the Bachelor of Big Brother, but you have.

Brought me a vision to the dark side of YouTube, okay? Mm-hmm. , I, [00:28:00] I only have you to blame and also thank for that , because You're welcome. You, um, well, one, one YouTube channel. I don't even know how to use the right vernacular here. Channel, channel, channel, channel, okay. That I love so much that I actually watch with my girls a lot.

Now is re link. Oh, do you have a name for their show? I just, we just call, right? Good Mythical. Oh yes. Good. Mythical Morning. Yes. Good. Mythical Morning. I should have brought that for my awesome of the week because my girls and I love it. We watch it together. It's um, Family friendly, which a lot of stuff on YouTube, it really is.

That's funny. Is not so much stuff that you would wanna watch with your kids, right. As you I have discussed. Um, but good mythical Morning is amazing and the girls will pop off with all of this like trivia and all kinds of things. I'll be like, where did you learn that? They're like, good mythical morning

That's funny. You know, just this morning I actually was watching it in bed with Grace before we crawled out of bed. Yes, it is so funny. She doesn't always [00:29:00] get it. I mean, grace is five, so there's some things that like, she doesn't quite get right. But it's, it's safe and they're entertaining and energetic and it Yes.

It keeps their attention. Yes. In fact, I had to take the girls to the dentist on Tuesday and they had, they didn't have like, side-by-side appointments, they were back to back. Mm-hmm. . So, um, Stacey had gone, gotten her teeth cleaned and checked and all of that, and then we had to wait for quite a while. , uh, did some stuff with Eliza and she's like, can I please watch Good Mythical Morning on your phone?

And so we just sat there in the waiting room and we were just giggling to ourselves. We were watching one, I think it was one of their Wille donut episodes where they put, I love Ridiculous. Their Food Challenges Donut, Willett Pizza. They are the best. . So funny. And see, I feel like I am the last person in.

Family to come around to YouTube. My husband has his channels that he loves to watch, his things that he's into. The girls definitely do. They love, I've told you this before, they love to watch, um, like [00:30:00] Minecraft gamers and that has kind of expanded into other gaming. Iha Cup Quake is their like person they love so much.

I know you're like . Um, who? Chef? Well, those gaming channels, like they're really popular. Yes. And it's just crazy. You can find anything on YouTube, but really anything that is what I did not realize. I thought YouTube was mostly just. Like America's funniest home videos type stuff. Like people filming themselves.

Funny cats. Yes. Doing stupid things, funny cats, babies falling down, whatever, , and then they put it on YouTube for a long time. I really and truly thought that's what it was until my husband and my daughters started getting into it. And I was like, huh. And so anyway, bring in it all back Retin Link. Good mythical morning.

That is something that, um, that we've been enjoying so much. Um, so all of that is to say, You need to keep up your evangelism for YouTube because there is stuff out there. Yeah. Or I need new friends or something. I don't know. [00:31:00] I need an, I need an outlet to talk. Yeah. Clearly. I'm gonna jump to that conclusion.

Okay. That's, that's the answer to my problem is that I get all new friends, , sorry. Sorry to any of my real life I know. May choose to listen. In the meantime, your real friends are like, thank you for that . I hope have you more if you watched Big Brother. Yes. Uh, that's awesome. Okay. Um, I think that was all I was going to ask you.

Yes. I'm pretty sure that was all I was going to ask you. That is super informative and if, hey, if you're listening and you also enjoy the YouTube or. The Bachelor in Big Brother, you're gonna wanna find Rebecca because obviously the woman needs someone to talk to about these things. , please. I will be taking applications for friendships.

Okay, you may email me Rebecca, speaking of where, of people tracking you down to talk about these things, right? Where can we find [00:32:00] you on the worldwide web? Where's the best place to to hook up? Well, I am simply Rebecca everywhere. My blog is simply rebecca.com, and then you can find me there on Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, um, but Rebecca is spelled r e b e k a h.

That's right. It's a little tricky. A little, a little tricky. Yes. I think if you. . I think if you would search for it, the traditional spelling with two C's, I think you would still find me, but it's, it's with a K a H. With a k a H, yes. Mm-hmm. Okay. I'm sure you've probably not had to spell that a million times in your fair life.

Oh, I have to every, yeah. And my last name, I have to spell my last name too, which is not hoffer. It's not that, it's, it's exactly how you would think that it would be spelled, but people are like, I'm sorry, what? Huh? It's just not that. Since you're, um, spelling it as a little untraditional, do you ever get mispronunciations, like people look at it and they don't recognize that it's Rebecca?

Or do people [00:33:00] generally figure that it's Rebecca pretty quickly. I think they, they figure it out. But I've had a lot of like strange misspellings because people know that it's not Oh, right, right. A normal way. Yes. So they spell like all kinds of ways. Mm-hmm. like with two Ks or like Yes. C in a K and like Hs in different places.

random H is thrown in. Yeah. Yeah. So it, yes. Yeah. No, I, I get that totally. Um, my first and last name also are a little tricky on the spelling. Megan, I, I think. It's like the simplest way to spell Megan, m e g a n. Um, but the pronunciation throughout my life, I have had so many people call me Megan, which is the one version of my name, and apologies to any Megans who are listening.

It's, it's lovely, but it's so different from well and to my ear anyway. It's so different from what my name actually is. That it really bothers me. Egan. Yes. Meen. Mm-hmm. . And of course, my last [00:34:00] name's kind of a nightmare, so I find that I spell first and last name. I just, I don't even wait for people to ask anymore.

I just, I don't either. You just gotta go for it. Yes. Yeah. So you are simply Rebecca with a k a h.com? Yes, ma'am. Is the blog. That's correct. And we can just find you. Anywhere on the web from the anywhere and everywhere with some Rebecca. Okay. Well I'm gonna totally put that in the show notes as well. Um, anything else that we need to, to disclose about you or something that, that people need to know?

I don't think so. Okay. I think we've kind of covered all the grand. I mean, I feel like when you tell people your life story, you kind of, yeah. There's really nowhere else to go from the earth

Okay. And I definitely am going to link to the love story as well because that is well worth the time to read it. So Fantastic. Okay. Awesome. I am so thankful that you are joining me at this, and I'm so thankful that you have been [00:35:00] behind the scenes. Cheerleading and booty kicking me along the way. . Oh, it's been fun.

It, I've loved it to get this show up and going, so thank you for joining me in this. I'm so thankful. Thank you, Megan. Okay, we will talk later. Bye. Bye.

So everyone, thank you for joining us here at Sorta Awesome. Just as a reminder, you can head on over to sorta awesome megan.tumblr.com and click on the Ask us link to submit your questions for us to answer in an upcoming episode. Some areas Rebecca is particularly knowledgeable about include frugal hacks for family life, breastfeeding, cooking, family meals, especially freezer cooking and other frugal cooking tips, um, as well as all things reality tv.

You can follow Thet for updates on the show or sign up for the mailing list at tiny letter.com/sorta. Awesome. As always, special thanks to the band Proger for [00:36:00] allowing us to use their incredible song Strut for our in and out music. Check out the show notes for more information on Proger, and I'll meet you back here next time as we explore, discover, and discuss all the things that make life sorta amazingly awesome.